Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Lake currents : a technical report containing background data for a water pollution control program.
Publisher Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Great Lakes Region,
Year Published 1967
Report Number EPA 832-R-67-005 ; 000R67110
OCLC Number 20710073
Subjects Michigan, Lake ; Lakes--Circulation--Michigan, Lake ; Water temperature--Michigan, Lake ; Water quality--Michigan, Lake, Watershed ; Lake Michigan ; Lake Michigan Watershed ; Michigan, Lake--Temperature
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJBD  EPA 832-R-67-005 Headquarters Library/Washington,DC 04/23/2015
ELAM  TD370.U468 1967 Region 5 Library/Chicago,IL 02/22/2010
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 832-R-67-005 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ELDM  TD370.U468 1967 CCTE/GLTED Library/Duluth,MN 09/30/1994
Collation xi, 364 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Cover title. Spine title: Lake Michigan currents. "November 1967." Includes bibliographical references (pages 357-364).
Contents Notes
Summary -- Physical Setting -- Location and description -- Previous studies -- Geology -- Physiography and sediments -- Hydrology -- Lake levels -- Introduction to lake current studies -- General considerations -- Diffusion -- Turbulent mixing -- Advection -- Meteorology -- Possible fate of pollutants -- Previous studies -- Procedures -- Temperature studies -- Tracer methods -- Fixed-position current metering -- Equipment testing -- Description of test studies -- Results of test studies -- Reliability -- Mooring characteristics -- Operational characteristics -- Flow characteristics -- Winds and currents -- Correlation between meters at one station -- Significance of findings -- Summary of test studies -- Methods for moorings, instrument checks, film processing and film conversion -- Introduction -- Mooring system -- Film processing -- Format for film reading -- Tape data format -- Current meter film processing -- Specifications -- Initial processing -- First pass program -- Second pass program -- Six-hour averages -- Histograms -- Envelopes -- Spectral analysis -- Formulas -- Cross spectrum -- Graphing -- Third pass program -- Trajectory programs -- Maps -- Temperature data -- Drogue surveys -- Current studies -- Introduction -- Data compilation -- Net flows -- General circulation patterns- Surface -- General circulation patterns -subsurface -- Spectral analysis -- Summary -- Monthly histograms -- Six-hour averages -- Two-hour envelopes -- Flow at Straits of Mackinac -- Summary of lake currents -- Temperature studies -- Introduction -- Definitions -- Previous studies -- Methods of study -- Instruments -- Bathythermograph surveys -- Temperature recorder data -- Results -- BT surveys -- Fall, 1961 -- Winter, 1961 -- Spring, 1962 -- Summer and Fall, 1962 -- Spring, 1963 -- Summer, 1963 -- Discussion -- Results -- Temperature recorder data -- Internal waves -- Analog records -- Summary -- Drogue studies -- Introduction -- Equipment -- Field methods -- Analysis methods -- Description of experimental results -- Characteristics of diffusion -- Theoretical models of pollutant diffusion from continuous sources -- Prediction of pollution distribution -- Discussion -- Summary -- Meteorological studies -- Introduction -- Instrumentation and collection of data -- Climatology of surface pressures and winds -- Data analysis and discussion -- Lake breeze phenomenon -- A comparison of lake wind to land wind -- Wind spectra -- Summary -- Correlation of wind, current, and temperature in Summer -- Relationship to water use areas -- Introduction -- Water use areas along shore -- Water use areas in the lake -- Significant factors.