Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lake Michigan)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A bibliography of biological, chemical, and physical studies of Lake Michigan. 1973
A consumer's guide to the Illinois and Indiana shoreline of Lake Michigan. 1978
A hazardous waste cleanup in the dunes : a success story. 1994
A statement of concerns and suggested ecological research / 1975
A study of precision and accuracy of laboratories and methods of analysis of ammonia nitrogen in Lake Michigan waters / 1967
Adaptation to Eutrophic Conditions by Lake Michigan Algae. 1973
Adult and juvenile fish populations near the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Southeastern Lake Michigan, during preoperational (1973-74) and operational (1975-79) years / 1985
Age Dependent Model of PCB in a Lake Michigan Food Chain. 1984
Air toxics emission inventories for the Lake Michigan region : (work assignment No. 15, contract no. 68-02-4398) / 1989
Air toxics emission inventories for the Lake Michigan region : (work assignment No. 15, contract no. 68-02-4398) / 1990
An age dependent model of PCB in a Lake Michigan food chain / 1984
An age-dependent model of PCB in a Lake Michigan food chain / 1984
An age-dependent model of PCB in a Lake Michigan food chain / 1984
An assessment of the impacts of water intakes on alewife, rainbow smelt, and yellow perch populations in Lake Michigan / 1981
An evaluation of DDT and dieldrin in Lake Michigan / 1972
An experimental study of lake loading by aerosol transport and deposition in the Lake Michigan Basin / 1978
An Experimental study of lake loading by aerosol transport and dry deposition in the Southern Lake Michigan Basin / 1980
An illustrated key to the planktonic rotifers of the Laurentian Great Lakes / 1977
Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Loading Trends in Lake Michigan. 1983
Analysis of the Lake Michigan basin phosphorus removal policy in Wisconsin 1975
Annual Report Fiscal Year 1965. Accomplishments During FY 1965. Work Plans for FY 1966. 1965
Application of a data-assimilating prognostic meteorological model to two urban areas / 1992
Application of a Sediment Dynamics Model for Estimation of Vertical Burial Rates of PCBs in Southern Lake Michigan. 1984
Assessment of the Lake Michigan Monitoring Inventory: A Report on the Lake Michigan Tributary Monitoring Project. 2000
Assessment of Waukegan Harbor Sediment Contamination, April 1996. 1997
Atmospheric Acidity Measurements during the Lake Michigan Urban Air Toxics Study. 1992
Atmospheric Chemistry of PCBs and PAHs. Volume 9. 1980
Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Metals to Lake Michigan: Preliminary Annual Model Calculations. 1992
Atmospheric Input of Trace Metals to Lake Michigan. 1980
Atmospheric Role in Trace Metal Exchange at the Air-Water Interface. 1982
Atmospheric transport of toxaphene to Lake Michigan / 1984
Atmospheric transport of toxaphene to Lake Michigan / 1984
Atmospheric transport of toxaphene to Lake Michigan / 1984
Atmospheric Transport of Toxaphene to Lake Michigan. 1986
Baseline Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and DDT in Lake Michigan Fish, 1971. 1975
Baseline Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and DDT in Lake Michigan Fish, 1971. 1975
Bathing Water Quality and Health. I - Great Lakes. 1951
Benthos and Plankton Community Data for Selected Rivers and Harbors Along Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Shoreline, 2012. 2014
Biological, chemical and physical relationships in the Straits of Mackinac / 1976
Biology : a technical report containing background data for a water pollution control program. 1968
Biology. A Technical Report Containing Background Data for a Water Pollution Control Program. 1968
Bottom trawl explorations in Green Bay of Lake Michigan, 1963-65 / 1969
Bottom trawl explorations in southern Lake Michigan, 1962-65 / 1969
Building an integrated modeling and forecasting framework for lake-wide management in the Great Lakes : a collaborative working group : workshop report. 2011
Calculated Contribution of Surface Microlayer PCB to Contamination of Lake Michigan Lake Trout. 1982
Categorization of northern Green Bay ice cover using LANDSAT 1 digital data : a case study / 1981
Characteristics of benthic algal communities in the upper Great Lakes / 1980
Chemistry and Biology of Trace Metals in the Environment. 1971
Chloride Pollution of the Great Lakes. 1983
Comparison of Benthos and Plankton for Selected Areas of Concern and Non-Areas of Concern in Western Lake Michigan Rivers and Harbors in 2012. 2016
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