Abstract |
This Final Environmental Impact Statement on the wastewater treatment programs, proposed by the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, contains EPA's recommendations on the proposed projects, a mitigation program, and responses to public comment and resultant revisions and additions to the Draft EIS, issued in October of 1979. This document provides a summary of the many events that have occurred since the Draft EIS was published, events which have altered the projects originally proposed by the wastewater agencies. Based on the impact analysis of various growth scenarios performed in the Draft EIS and commitments to mitigate primary and secondary adverse impacts, EPA recommends for South Tahoe Public Utility District a 7.5 mgd maximum daily flow wastewater treatment plant which produces secondary treated and filtered effluent for agricultural irrigation in Alpine County, California. With respect to the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, a lack of progress in developing a mitigation program has resulted in an Agency decision to postpone finalizing the EIS for that district. |