Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Pink Shrimp 'Penaeus duorarum' by Methyl Parathion and Its Oxon.
Author Schoor, W. Peter ; Brausch, James ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab., Gulf Breeze, FL.
Year Published 1980
Report Number EPA-600/J-80-147 ;ERL.GB-J935;
Stock Number PB81-129504
Additional Subjects Acetylcholinesterase ; Pesticides ; Toxicology ; Crustacea ; Enzymes ; Insecticides ; Shellfish ; Water pollution ; Inhibitors ; Concentration(Composition) ; Sulfur organic compounds ; Reprints ; Methyl paraoxon ; Penaeus duorarum ; Methyl parathion ; Toxic substances ; Phosphorothioate/dimethyl-nitrophenyl
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB81-129504 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 9p
The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, E.C., (AChE) activity in the ventral nerve cord of pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) by methyl parathion (MPT) and methyl paraoxon (MPO) was investigated. When the animals were exposed to these compounds in water (in vivo), AChE activity of the isolated nerve cord was significantly depressed by MPT only in moribund shrimp after exposure for six hr to 1 microgram/L (96 hr LC50 = 1.9 micrograms/L). Methyl paraoxon (96 hr LC50 = 13.6 micrograms/L) did not depress AChE activity in surviving animals after exposure for 74 hr to 0.98 micrograms/L. Exposure of the excised ventral nerve cord directly (in vitro) resulted in inhibition of 100% after exposure for one hr to 60 micrograms/L MPT, 100% after exposure for one hr to 300 micrograms/L MPO. Implications with regard to the use of AChE activity as a monitor of water pollution by inhibitors of this enzyme are discussed.