Main Title |
Energy future : report of the energy project at the Harvard Business School / |
Author |
Stobaugh, Robert B. ;
Yergin, Daniel.
Other Authors |
CORP Author |
Harvard University. Graduate School of Business Administration. |
Publisher |
Random House, |
Year Published |
1979 |
OCLC Number |
04494717 |
0394501632; 9780394501635 |
Subjects |
Energy policy--United States ;
Power resources--United States ;
Pr evisions economiques ;
Energie ;
Etats-Unis d'Am erique ;
Energiepolitik ;
Energievorrat ;
Energiebeleid ;
Energiebronnen ;
energy source ;
petroleum ;
import ;
natural gas ;
coal ;
nuclear energy ;
energy conservation ;
solar energy ;
econometric model ;
forecast ;
statistical table ;
politique energ etique ;
source d' energie ;
importation ;
gaz naturel ;
charbon ;
energie nucl eaire ;
economie d' energie ;
energie solaire ;
mod ele econom etrique ;
tableau statistique ;
pol itica energ etica ;
fuente de energ ia ;
petr oleo ;
importaci on ;
gas natural ;
carb on ;
energ ia nuclear ;
conservaci on de la energ ia ;
energ ia solar ;
modelo econom etrico ;
predicci on ;
cuadros estad isticos ;
Estados Unidos
Additional Subjects |
Energy policy--United States ;
Power resources--United States
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
HD9502.U52E4914 |
Headquarters Library/Washington,DC |
07/28/1989 |
Edition |
1st ed. |
Collation |
x, 353 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm |
Notes |
Includes bibliographical references (pages 267-339) and index. |
Contents Notes |
Analyzes the current energy crisis and provides recommendations for an energy policy based on conservation and the development of solar technology. |