Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 82
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A new power base : renewable energy policies for the nineties and beyond / 1993
Alternative fuels and the environment / 1995
American energy : the renewable path to energy security / 2006
Annual review of energy and the environment / 1991
Annual review of energy. 1976
Assessment & decision making for sustainable transport / 2004
Before the lights go out : conquering the energy crisis before it conquers us / 2012
Beyond smoke and mirrors : climate change and energy in the 21st century / 2010
Biofuels / 2009
Biological effects of electric and magnetic fields of extremely low frequency / 1977
Biomass conversion processes for energy and fuels / 1981
Cases and materials on energy and natural resources law / 1979
Cities and climate change. 2010
Climate change and energy efficiency in industry. 1991
CO2 rising : the world's greatest environmental challenge / 2008
Cool energy : renewable solutions to environmental problems / 1992
Correlation analysis of organic reactivity, with particular reference to multiple regression / 1982
Dictionary of energy and fuels / 2007
Dividing the waters : food security, ecosystem health, and the new politics of scarcity / 1996
DOE genomics : GTL roadmap : systems biology for energy and environment / 2005
Earth, water, wind, and sun, our energy alternatives / 1977
Ecological engineering the journal of ecotechnology 1992
Electric power industry in nontechnical language / 1998
Energy & the environment : a structural analysis / 1976
Energy at the crossroads : global perspectives and uncertainties / 2003
Energy efficiency in transportation / 1993
Energy future : report of the energy project at the Harvard Business School / 1979
Energy information abstracts. 1976
Energy revolution : policies for a sustainable future / 2003
Energy sources : conservation and renewables (APS, Washington, DC, 1985 / 1985
Energy, the next twenty years : report / 1979
Environmental effects of energy : abstracts of selected projects supported by EPA Funds / 1977
Environmental effects of energy systems : the OECD COMPASS Project. 1983
Environmental impact of power generation. 1999
Enzymatic conversion of biomass for fuels production : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Cellulose, Paper, and Textiles at the 205th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, Colorado, March 28-April 2, 1993 / 1994
Fresh-water springs of Hawaii from infrared images / 1966
Future issues in environmental radiation : report on future issues and challenges in the study of environmental radiation, with a focus toward future institutional readiness by the Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Getting energy prices right : from principle to practice / 2014
Guide to energy management / 2008
Health implications of new energy technologies / 1980
Hydrogen futures : toward a sustainable energy system / 2001
IEEE standard dictionary of electrical and electronics terms. 1972
Interactions of energy and climate : proceedings of an international workshop held in Meunster, Germany, March 3-6, 1980 / 1980
International emission trading : from concept to reality. 2001
Kicking the carbon habit : global warming and the case for renewable and nuclear energy / 2006
Linkages of sustainability / 2010
Living with energy / 1978
Mainstreaming renewable energy in the 21st century / 2004
Management of natural resources, sustainable development and ecological hazards / 2007
McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of energy / 1981
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