Abstract |
The vapor of ethyl acrylate monomar in concentrations higher than 25 p.p.m. in the atmosphere is irritant to the eyes and nose. Concentrations between 40 and 180 p.p.m. Will produce measurable changes in the circulation. Dogs exposed to such concentrations seemed to develop a tolerance to the compound, but were more susceptible to re-exposure after a two week rest period. If sufficient ventilation is provided in any operation using the monomer so as to avoid irritation of the eyes and nose, there seems to be little possibility of systemic effects developing as a result of exposure, since the concentration producing irritation of the eyes and nose is considerably below that producing systemic effects. Should ethyl acrylate monomer be accidentally splashed in the eye, irritation and conjunctivitis will result, but the inflammation clears up rapidly without leaving any permanent damage to the eye. |