Main Title |
Urban stormwater management modeling and decision-making / |
Author |
Heaney, James P., ;
Huber, Wayne C. ;
Sheikh, Hasan ;
Medina, Miguel A. ;
Doyle., J. Robert
Other Authors |
CORP Author |
Florida Univ., Gainesville. Dept. of Environmental Engineering Sciences.;National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.;Lancaster City, Pa. |
Publisher |
National Environmental Research Center, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, |
Year Published |
1975 |
Report Number |
EPA-670/2-75-022; EPA-S-802219 |
Stock Number |
PB-242 290 |
OCLC Number |
01464775 |
Subjects |
Storm sewers ;
Combined sewers ;
Water--Pollution--Pennsylvania--Lancaster ;
Saneamento basico ;
Drenagem ;
Aguas pluviais
Additional Subjects |
Water pollution control ;
Sewage treatment ;
Storm sewers ;
Urban planning ;
Decision making ;
Surface water runoff ;
Flood control ;
Drainage ;
Water storage ;
Combined sewers ;
Hydrology ;
Optimization ;
Mathematical models ;
Cost effectiveness ;
Design standards ;
Streets ;
Control equipment ;
Storm water runoff ;
Urban hydrology
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA 670-2-75-022 |
c.1 |
Headquarters Library/Washington,DC |
05/17/2013 |
EPA 670-2-75-022 |
Received from HQ |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
10/04/2023 |
EPA 670-2-75-022 |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
01/02/1998 |
PB-242 290 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
xi, 186 pages illustrations, map 27 cm. |
Abstract |
The purposes of this study were to test, refine and augment the capabilities of the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), and to develop decision-making capabilities for use in the study of urban stormwater runoff problems. A sediment prediction capability has been incorporated directly into the SWMM. Detailed testing was conducted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to demonstrate the ability of the SWMM to describe the relatively complex phenomena occurring in an urban catchment. A systematic procedure is presented for examining the stormwater management problem in the broader context of urban water resources management. Related standards for flood control and drainage, street and parking lot design, etc., are reviewed and suggestions presented regarding modifications in practices which would ameliorate stormwater problems. An optimization procedure is described which addresses the related problems of finding efficient and equitable control strategies. Also, the use of the SWMM for preliminary hydraulic design of sewer systems is described. |
Notes |
Report prepared by Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. "Project no. 802219 (11023 GSC); Program element no. 1BB034." Includes bibliographical references (pages 178-185). |