Contents Notes |
.Welcoming remarks /; Nikolay Laverov, Frank L. Parker, David N. McNelis --; Interest of the International Science and Technology Center /; Norbert Jousten --; Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes /; Andrei B. Malyshev --; Environmental policy of the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) and priority objectives for its implementation /; Aleksandr M. Agapov, Leonid A. Bolshov --; Russian nuclear and radiation enterprises based on landscape-geochemical research /; V.I. Velichkin... --; Systems studies of the radiation legacy and development of the informational, legal, and regulatory framework for post-rehabilitation institutional control, oversight, and management of radiation-hazard facilities in the Russian Federation /; S.N. Brykin...[et al.] --; Comprehensive resolution of the problem of radioactive waste management and rehabilitation of contaminated areas in the Moscow region /; S.A. Dmitriev -- Lands damaged as a result of uranium ore mining operations in the Russion Federation /; V.P. Karamushka and V.V. Ostroborodov -- Uranium reco very and remediation of uranium mill tailings: Russian and U.S. experience /; James H. Clarke and Frank L. Parker -- Experience in rehabilitating contaminated land and bodies of water around the Mayak Production Association /; Yu. V. Glagolenko, Ye. N. Kamnev, and A.I. Rybalchenko --; Rehabilitation of contaminated groundwater layers near the Mayak Enterprise using deep burial technology /; V.G. Skidanov, Ye. N. Kamnev, and A.I. Rybalchenko --; Observations concerning Mayak /; Frank L. Parker -- remediation of contaminated facilities at the Kurchatov Institute /; V.G. Volkov... --; Selected remediation issues at the Russian Research Center - Kurchatov Institute /; Roy E. Gephart --; Industrial nuclear explosion sites in the Russian Federation: recovery and institutional monitoring problems /; V.V. Kasatkin, Ye. N. Kamnev, and V. A. Ilyichev --; comments on presentation on industrial nuclear explosion sites in the Russian Federation: recovery and institutional monitoring problems /; Don J. Bradley -- Past, present and future of the facilities at Andreev bay /; A.P. Vasiliev --; Environmental remediation of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste temporary storage proposed solutions /; Yu. Ye. Gorlinsky... --; Criteria for environmental rehabilitation of the temporary storage site for spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in Gremikha Village /; Yu. Ye. Gorlinsky, V.A. Kutkov, and N.K. Shandala --; Cleaning up sites contaminated with radioactive materials: coastal maintenance bases Andreev Bay and Grimkha /; Dieter K. Rudolph --; Criteria for categorizing territories at Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency enterprises experiencing chemical and radioactive contamination /; S.N. Brykin...[et al.] -- Areas of the Russian Federation affected by radiation contamination due to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident /; S.M. Vakulovsky...; Experience of the Joint Environmental-Technological Scientific Research Center for Radioactive Waste Decontamination and Environmental Protection (MosNPO Radon) in eliminating radiation-hazard facilities and rehabilitating contaminated sites /; V.G. Safronov... --; Use of GIS technology for assessing territories contaminated with radioactive materials /; A.N. Plate, A.V. Vesselovsky --; Appendix A: Workshop agenda --; Appendix B: Titles of additional papers and extended abstracts presented at the Workshop on Cleaning Up Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Material. This book examines national security controls that oversee scientific and technological research, specifically the federal regulations governing which information or goods can be shared with citizens of other countries. These restrictions are designed to prevent the flow of information or technology out of the U.S. and into the hands of foreign competitors or those who may wish to use it for harm. The book looks at how the world has changed since these national security controls were enacted, identifies the effects they have had on scientific and technological research in the U.S., and makes recommendations on how the system should be restructured to strengthen both national security and economic competitiveness. |