Main Title |
Transport and fate of contaminants in the subsurface. |
Author |
Johnson, R. L. ;
Keely, J. F. ;
Palmer, C. D. ;
Suflita, J. M. ;
Fish, W.
CORP Author |
Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, OK. |
Publisher |
United States Government Printing Office, |
Year Published |
1989 |
Report Number |
EPA 625/4-89-019 |
Stock Number |
PB90-184748 |
OCLC Number |
20666843 |
Subjects |
Groundwater--Pollution ;
Waste disposal in the ground--Environmental aspects--United States ;
Meetings ;
Subsurface investigations ;
Water pollution abatement ;
Water pollution control ;
Mathematical models ;
Hydrogeology ;
Surface waters ;
Sampling ;
Microbiology ;
Field tests ;
Site surveys ;
Biodeterioration ;
Water analysis ;
Chemical reactions ;
Environmental fate ;
Technology transfer ;
Environmental transport ;
Path of pollutants ;
Land pollution ;
Pollution regulations ;
Remedial action ;
Remedial response ;
Tracer techniques ;
Risk assessment
Additional Subjects |
Meetings ;
Subsurface investigations ;
Water pollution abatement ;
Water pollution control ;
Waste disposal ;
Mathematical models ;
Hydrogeology ;
Ground water ;
Surface waters ;
Sampling ;
Microbiology ;
Field tests ;
Site surveys ;
Biodeterioration ;
Water analysis ;
Chemical reactions ;
Environmental fate ;
Technology transfer ;
Environmental transport ;
Path of pollutants ;
Land pollution ;
Pollution regulations ;
Remedial action ;
Remedial response ;
Tracer techniques ;
Risk assessment
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
TD426.T72 1989 |
Region 1 Library/Boston,MA |
04/29/2016 |
epa/625/4-89/019 |
Region 2 Library/New York,NY |
01/26/1990 |
EPA/625/4-89/019 |
Env Science Center Library/Ft Meade,MD |
12/01/2000 |
EPA 625-4-89-019 |
OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC |
11/08/2002 |
EPA/625/4-89/019 |
CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL |
11/27/2018 |
EPA 625-4-89-019 |
Received from HQ |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
10/04/2023 |
EPA 625-4-89-019 |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
05/22/1998 |
EPA/625/4-89/019 |
NRMRL/GWERD Library/Ada,OK |
08/23/1991 |
EPA 625/4-89/019 HWC |
Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA |
04/20/1991 |
EPA 625-4-89-019 |
Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA |
05/31/2017 |
PB90-184748 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
v, 148 pages : illustrations, maps, charts, plans ; 28 cm. |
Abstract |
The publication is based on a series of technology transfer seminars that were conducted in all ten EPA Regions between October 1987 and February 1988. The seminars provided regulators and technical specialists with a brief but intensive overview of the physical, chemical, and biological processes that govern the transport and fate of contaminants in the subsurface. A secondary purpose of the seminar was to provide a summary of modeling approaches used to make predictions about the transport and fate of contaminants in the subsurface and to describe the current and potential regulatory uses of such models. The EPA Center for Environmental Research Information and Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory developed the project to assist the technical support and technology transfer efforts of the EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response in the area of subsurface remediation. |
Notes |
Shipping list no.: 89-705-P. "United States Environmental Protection Agency"--Cover. "EPA/625/4-89/019." "Sept. 1989." "Technology transfer." Includes bibliographical references. "Funded wholly or in part ... under Contract 68-C8-0014 to Eastern Research Group, Inc."--Page ii. |