Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Denitrification as a Pathway for Nitrate Removal in Aquatic Systems.
Author Nelson, D. W. ; Owens, L. B. ; Terry., R. E. ;
CORP Author Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Water Resources Research Center.
Year Published 1973
Report Number TR-42; OWRR-A-019-IND; W74-06612 ; OWRR-A-019-IND(3)
Stock Number PB-231 305
Additional Subjects Nitrogen ; Reduction(Chemistry) ; Surface waters ; Sediments ; Lakes ; Rivers ; Inorganic nitrates ; Bacteria ; Anaerobic processes ; Nutrients ; Sediment water interactions ; Denitrification
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-231 305 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 93p
Denitrification was determined by decrease in total nitrogen in a water media or by a decrease in N-15 labelled nitrate in sediment systems. It was established that the numbers of denitrifying bacteria, pH, and nitrate concentration of most surface waters will support denitrification. The process is inhibited by high dissolved oxygen and low dissolved organic carbon. Low temperature also restricts denitrification. River water samples exhibited denitrification when amended with glucose and nitrate under anaerobic conditions, whereas, pond waters did not. The findings indicated that denitrification in the water phase is insignificant to the nitrogen status of most streams and lakes. However denitrification in sediments may result in a large removal of nitrate from aquatic systems each year. (Modified author abstract)