Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Reexamination of London, England, Mortality in Relation to Exposure to Acidic Aerosols during 1963-1972 Winters.
Author Thurston, G. D. ; Ito, K. ; Lippmann, M. ; Hayes., C. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. ;New York Univ. Medical Center, NY. Inst. of Environmental Medicine.
Publisher c1989
Year Published 1989
Report Number EPA/600/J-89/447;
Stock Number PB91-109397
Additional Subjects Air pollution ; Aerosols ; Sulfuric acid ; Graphs(Charts) ; Statistical analysis ; Epidemiology ; Sulfur dioxide ; Smoke ; Winter ; Acidity ; Reprints ; London(England) ; Mortality rates ; Air pollution monitoring
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB91-109397 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
Air pollution epidemiology since the 1950s has been able to demonstrate that increases in daily mortality in London, England, were associated with elevated concentrations of index air pollutants, such as British Smoke (BS) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). In the work, the authors reanalyze that portion of the 1958-1972 winter mortality-pollution record for which daily direct acid aerosol measurements were made at a central site in London (St. Bartholomew's Medical College). The purposes of these exploratory analyses are to examine the dataset for indications of a relationship between acid aerosol pollution and human mortality and to compare any noted associations with those for other pollution variables. It is found that the log of acid aerosol concentrations is more strongly associated with raw total mortality in bivariate analyses than is BS or SO2, despite the fact that acid data are available from only one central site (versus seven disperse sites for BS and SO2). The logarithmic nature of the exposure side of the H2SO4-mortality relationship implies a saturation model of pollution effects, possibly due to multiday pollution harvesting influences on a susceptible subpopulation. The apparent advantage of H2SO4 over BS in predicting total raw mortality is consistent with the hypothesis that it is the portion of particulate mass of greater health significance and may also allow the development of London mortality results which are more easily transferable to other environments than is the case for existing BS results.