Abstract |
In the migration of a high-organic-carbon-content landfill leachate through the subsurface environment, the mobility of inorganic contaminants can be seriously influenced by oxidation-reduction, complexation, precipitation and adsorption processes. These processes, in turn, depend on the dissolved major (and minor) element composition, dissolved gas content, degree of equilibrium and the nature of the aquifer surfaces exposed to groundwater. Groundwater, aquifer material and municipal landfill leachate samples were collected from various locations within the continental United States. These samples were characterized in terms of elemental composition, pH, Eh, dissolved gases and solid phase characteristics (Specific Surface Area, CEC, extractable amorphous components, identifiable crystalline components, etc.). Batch distribution behavior studies were performed with these samples with 14 potential metals and metaloids of concern to the EPA. Of more interest to the analytical chemist, however, are the manifold sampling, analytical and interpretative problems encountered: (1) What are the major sources of error in terms of the necessary expertise and equipment for sample acquisition. (2) Can samples be collected in an unperturbed manner and what is the best method to collect them. (3) How meaningful are field pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity measurements. How stable are these values. (4) Are current procedures sufficient for modeling attenuation processes. (Copyright (c) 1990 Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc.) |