Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Error analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A brief treatise on the problems associated with using one vehicle to determine the dynamometer power absorption for a second similar vehicle / 1978
A local procedure for error detection and data smoothing / 1974
A preliminary examination of the repeatability of the heavy-duty transient dynamometer emission test / 1978
Acquisition and Analysis of Groundwater/Aquifer Samples: Current Technology and the Trade off between Quality Assurance and Practical Considerations. 1990
An introduction to error analysis : the study of uncertainties in physical measurements / 1997
An Operator's guide to eliminating bias in CEM systems. 1994
Analysis of Random Errors in Air-Quality Measurements. 1977
Annual report on performance audit results for POHC testing during RCRA trial burns / 1989
Application guide for source PM10 measurement with constant sampling rate 1989
Application of remote techniques in stationary source air emission monitoring / 1976
Assessment of the Environmental Implications of Project Independence. 1976
Assessment of the Equivalency of Three-Run Relative Accuracy Audits Versus Six-Run Relative Accuracy Audits for Characterizing CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems) Performance. 1985
Asymmetric Loss Function for Superfund Remediation Decisions. 1992
Calculations and Coding of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Source Emissions in New Hampshire. 1979
Chapter 17: Workgroup Summary Report on Methodological Uncertainty in Conducting Sediment Ecological Risk Assessments with Contaminated Sediments. 1996
Chemical analyses for water pollutants : training manual / 1976
Coal sampling and analysis : methods and models / 1985
Collection Efficiency of Field Sampling Cassettes: Interagency Energy/Environment R and D Program Report. 1980
Comments on "lateral dispersion from tall stacks" / 1987
Comparative Analysis of Dioxins and Furans in Ambient Air by High Resolution and Electron Capture Mass Spectrometry. 1992
Comparison of Cowell Vs Power Series Numerical Integration as Applied to Orbital Calculations. 1971
Comparison of Methods for Collecting Interstitial Water for Trace Organic Compounds and Metals Analyses. 1992
Comparison of methods for determination of dissolved inorganic carbon / 1991
Compiling air toxics emission inventories / 1990
Conversion equations for use in section 403 rulemaking : final report. 1997
Conversion equations for use in section 403 rulemaking. 1997
Correcting RADM's Sulfate Underprediction: Discovery and Correction of Model Errors and Testing the Corrections Through Comparisons against Field Data. 1993
Cost-Risk Analysis of Protective Actions for a Low-Level Deposition of Radionuclides. 1980
Critical Look at PERT Analysis. 1971
Demonstration of carbon adsorption technology for petroleum dry cleaning plants / 1980
Designs for Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty: Experience in the Eastern Lake Survey. 1986
Determination of rates of reaction in the gas-phase in the troposphere theory and practice / 1992
Development of a system for conducting inter-laboratory tests for water quality and effluent measurements / 1977
Development of an Emission Inventory Quality Assurance Program. 1979
Development of CBM-X Mechanisms for Urban and Regional AQSMs. 1986
Development of sampling methods for source PM10 emissions / 1989
Effect of load simulation on auto emissions and model performance / 1983
Ensuring the Quality of Geographic Information System Data: A Practical Application of Quality Control. 1989
Error Criteria in Water Surface Profile Computations. 1970
Error propagation in distributed hydrologic modeling / 1995
Evaluation of 1 percent neutral buffered potassium iodide procedure for calibration of ozone monitors / 1977
Evaluation of an inductively coupled plasma, multichannel spectrometric analysis system. 1977
Evaluation of Continuous Monitoring Sites in EPA Region VI. 1977
Evaluation of monitoring systems for power plant and sulfur recovery plant emissions / 1976
Evaluation of New in-Facepiece Sampling Procedures for Full and Half Facepieces. 1989
Evaluation of present chemical standards in relationship to in situ marine water quality measurements / 1979
Evaluation of the EPA reference method for the measurement of non-methane hydrocarbons / 1977
Evaluation of the PILLS IV / 1978
Factors affecting the collection efficiency of atmospheric sulfate / 1977
Feasibility of applying field ionization mass spectroscopy to pesticide research / 1976
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