Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 4 OF 9Main Title | Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits / | |||||||||||
Author | Brookshire, David S. ; Crocker, Thomas D. ; d'Arge, Ralph C. ; Ben-David, Shaul ; Kneese, Allen V. | |||||||||||
Other Authors |
CORP Author | Wyoming Univ., Laramie. ;New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque. ;University of Southern California, Los Angeles.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Health and Ecological Effects. | |||||||||||
Year Published | 1979 | |||||||||||
Report Number | EPA/600/5-79/001E; EPA-R-805059-01 | |||||||||||
Stock Number | PB-293 619 | |||||||||||
Additional Subjects | Air pollution ; Economic impact ; Assessments ; Epidemiology ; Public health ; Agriculture ; Quality of life ; Urban areas ; Benefit cost analysis ; Morbidity ; Environmental impacts ; Mortality ; California ; Air quality ; Air pollution abatement ; Air pollution effects(Humans) ; State of the art | |||||||||||
Holdings |
Collation | 5 volumes ; 28 cm | |||||||||||
Abstract | The first four volumes summarized by this volume represent original efforts to construct both a conceptually consistent and empirically verifiable set of methods for assessing the economic benefits of air quality improvements. While the state-of-the-art does not at present allow highly accurate estimates of the benefits of reduced human or plant exposure to air pollutants, these studies nevertheless provide a set of fundamental benchmarks on which further efforts might be built. These are: (1) many benefits traditionally viewed as intangible and therefore non-measurable can, in fact, be measured and be made comparable to economic values as expressed in markets; (2) aesthetic and morbidity effects may dominate the measure of benefits as opposed to previous emphases on mortality health effects; and (3) the likely economic benefits of air quality improvements are perhaps as much as an order of magnitude greater than previous studies had hypothesized. |
Notes | EPA 600/5-79-001e. Feb. 1979. Microfiche. |
Contents Notes | v. 1. Experiments in the economics of air pollution epidemiology.--v. 2. Experiments in valuing non-market goods: a case study of alternative benefit measures of air pollution control in the South Coast Air Basin of Southern California.--v. 3 A preliminary assessment of air pollution damages for selected crops within southern California.--v. 4 Studies on partial equilibrium appraoches to valuation of environmental amenites.--v. 5 Executive summary. |