Main Title |
MULTIMED, the multimedia exposure assessment model for evaluating the land disposal of wastes--model theory / |
Author |
Salhotra, A. M. ;
Mineart, P. ;
Sharp-Hansen, S. ;
Allison, T. L.
Other Authors |
CORP Author |
Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Oakland, CA. ;AQUA TERRA Consultants, Mountain View, CA. ;Computer Sciences Corp., Athens, GA.;Environmental Research Lab., Athens, GA. |
Publisher |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, |
Year Published |
1993 |
Report Number |
EPA/600/R-93/081; EPA-68-03-6304; EPA-68-03-3513 |
Stock Number |
PB93-186252 |
Subjects |
Hazardous waste sites--Leaching--Computer simulation ;
Soils--Leaching--Computer simulation
Additional Subjects |
Hazardous materials ;
Transport ;
Path of pollutants ;
Land pollution ;
Water pollution ;
Air pollution ;
Computerized simulation ;
Models ;
Earth fills ;
Risk assessment ;
Probability ;
Exposure ;
Public health ;
MULTIMED computer model ;
Multimedia environment ;
Soil contamination ;
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB93-186252 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
137 pages ; 28 cm |
Abstract |
The MULTIMED computer model simulates the transport and transformation of contaminants released from a hazardous waste disposal facility into the multimedia environment. Release to air and soil, including the unsaturated and saturated zones, and possible interception of the subsurface contaminant plume by a surface stream is represented by the model. The model further simulates contaminant movement through the air, soil, groundwater, and surface water media to humans and other potentially affected species. MULTIMED is intended for general exposure and risk assessments of waste facilities and for analyses of the impacts of management and engineering controls. The report provides the conceptual and theoretical details of the various modules and the Monte Carlo simulation technique. |
Notes |
"EPA/600/R-93/081." "May 1993." Microfiche. |