Grantee Research Project Results
Journal Publications for Center:
Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Center - Dartmouth College 2013
Grant Number R829479
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Reference Type | Citation | Progress Report Year | Document Sources |
Journal Article | Allen AP, Whittier TR, Larsen DP, Kaufmann PR, O'Conner RJ, Hughes RM, Stemberger RS, Dixit SS, Brinkhurst RO, Herlihy AT, Paulsen SG. Concordance of taxonomic composition patterns across multiple lake assemblages: effects of scale, body size, and land use. Canadian Journal of Fish and Aquatic Science 1999;56(11):2029-2040. |
R826591 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Allen AP, Whittier TR, Kaufmann PR, Larsen DP, O'Conner RJ, Hughes RM, Stemberger RS, Dixit SS, Brinkhurst RO, Herlihy AT, Paulsen SG. Concordance of taxonomic richness patterns across multiple assemblages in lakes of the northeastern United States. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1999;56(5):739-747. |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Barnett ML, King AA. Good fences make good neighbors: a longitudinal analysis of an industry self-regulatory institution. Academy of Management Journal 2008;51(6):1150-1170. |
R833401 (2007) R833401 (Final) |
Journal Article | Chen CY, Stemberger RS, Klaue B, Blum JD, Pickhardt PC, Folt CL. Accumulation of heavy metals in food web components across a gradient of lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 2000;45(7):1525-1536. |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) R826591 (2001) R826591 (2002) |
not available |
Journal Article | Evans CA, Miller EK, Friedland AJ. Nitrogen mineralization associated with birch and fir under different soil moisture regimes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 1998;28(12):1890-1898. |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) |
Journal Article | Evans CA, Miller EK, Friedland AJ. Effect of nitrogen and light on nutrient concentrations and associated physiological responses in birch and fir seedlings. Plant and Soil 2001;236(2):197-207. |
R826591 (2001) R826591 (2002) |
not available |
Journal Article | Fan ZL, South C, Lyford K, Munsie J, van Walsum P, Lynd LR. Conversion of paper sludge to ethanol in a semicontinuous solids-fed reactor. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 2003;26(2):93-101. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C006 (2004) R829479C006 (Final) |
Journal Article | Friedland AJ, Miller EK. Major element cycling in a high-elevation Adirondack forest: patterns and change, 1986-1996. Ecological Applications 1999;9(3):958-967 |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) |
Journal Article | Hassellov M, Readman JW, Ranville JF, Tiede K. Nanoparticle analysis and characterization methodologies in environmental risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles. Ecotoxicology 2008;17(5):344-361. |
R833324 (2007) R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Howarth RB. Calibration bias in the analysis of environmental taxes. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2004;86(3):813-818. |
R829582 (Final) |
Journal Article | Howarth RB. The present value criterion and environmental taxation: the suboptimality of first-best decision rules. Land Economics 2005;81(3):321-336. |
R829582 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jackson BP, Pace HE, Lanzirotti A, Smith R, Ranville JF. Synchrotron X-ray 2D and 3D elemental imaging of CdSe/ZnS quantum dot nanoparticles in Daphnia magna. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2009;394(3):911-917. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jackson BP, Bugge D, Ranville JF, Chen CY. Bioavailability, toxicity, and bioaccumulation of quantum dot nanoparticles to the amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus. Environmental Science & Technology 2012;46(10):5550-5556. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Lee B-T, Ranville JF. The effect of hardness on the stability of citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles and their uptake by Daphnia magna. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012;213-214:434-439. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Miller EK, Friedland AJ. Local climate influences on precipitation, cloud water, and dry deposition to an Adirondack subalpine forest: insights from observations 1986-1996. Journal of Environmental Quality 1999;28(1):270-277. |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) |
Journal Article | Mitrano DM, Lesher EK, Bednar A, Monserud J, Higgins CP, Ranville JF. Detecting nanoparticulate silver using single-particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2012;31(1):115-121. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Nowack B, Ranville JF, Diamond S, Gallego-Urrea JA, Metcalfe C, Rose J, Horne N, Koelmans AA, Klaine SJ. Potential scenarios for nanomaterial release and subsequent alteration in the environment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2012;31(1):50-59. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pace HE, Lesher EK, Ranville JF. Influence of stability on the acute toxicity of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals to Daphnia magna. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2010;29(6):1338-1344. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pace HE, Rogers NJ, Jarolimek C, Coleman VA, Higgins CP, Ranville JF. Determining transport efficiency for the purpose of counting and sizing nanoparticles via single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 2011;83(24):9361-9369. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pace HE, Rogers NJ, Jarolimek C, Coleman VA, Gray EP, Higgins CP, Ranville JF. Single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: a performance evaluation and method comparison in the determination of nanoparticle size. Environmental Science & Technology 2012;46(22):12272-12280. |
R833324 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ranco DJ. The trust responsibility and limited sovereignty:what can environmental justice groups learn from Indian Nations? Society & Natural Resources:An International Journal 2008;21(4):354-362. |
R833401 (2007) R833401 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ranco DJ, O’Neill CA, Donatuto J, Harper BL. Environmental justice, American Indians and the cultural dilemma: developing environmental management for tribal health and well-being. Environmental Justice 2011;4(4):221-230. |
R833401 (Final) |
Journal Article | Stemberger RS, Miller EK. A zooplankton- N:P-ratio indicator for lakes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 1998;51(1-2):29-51. |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) R826591 (2001) R826591 (2002) R826591 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Stemberger RS, Larsen DP, Kincaid TM. Sensitivity of zooplankton for regional lake monitoring. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2001;58(11):2222-2232. |
R826591 (2001) R826591 (2002) R826591 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Stemberger RS, Miller EK. Cladoceran body length and assessment of Secchi disk transparency in Northeastern U.S. lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2003;60(12):1477-1486. |
R826591 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Stemberger RS, Chen CY. Fish tissue metals and zooplankton assemblages of northeastern U.S. lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1998;53:339-352. |
R826591 (1999) R826591 (2000) |
Journal Article | Turaga RMR, Howarth RB, Borsuk ME. Pro-environmental behavior:rational choice meets moral motivation. Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences 2010;1185:211-224. |
R833401 (2007) R833401 (Final) |
Journal Article | Turaga RMR, Howarth RB, Borsuk ME. Perceptions of mercury risk and its management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2014;20(5):1385-1405. |
R833401 (Final) |
Journal Article | Turaga RMR, Noonan D, Bostrom A. Hot spots regulation and environmental justice. Ecological Economics 2011;70(7):1395-1405. |
R833401 (Final) |
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.