Grantee Research Project Results
Making Construction Materials from Forest Biomass, Recycled Cellulose and Geopolymers
EPA Contract Number: 68HERC25C0029Title: Making Construction Materials from Forest Biomass, Recycled Cellulose and Geopolymers
Investigators: Fuller, Barry J
Small Business: BetR-blok, LLC
EPA Contact: Richards, April
Phase: I
Project Period: December 16, 2024 through June 15, 2025
Project Amount: $100,000
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase I (2025) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
BetR-blok (better block) is a new product with limitless potential as a replacement for wood, concrete and foam building materials to lower embodied carbon in the built environment. The current mix is made from recycled cellulose, and tested with forest biomass. Using forest biomass in quantity will help mitigate methane buildup; ultimately reducing forest fires.
BetR-blok requires comparatively little energy to produce and has a small environmental footprint, but uses Portland cement as a binder. Recent anecdotal research suggests that geopolymers may be used as a substitute binder - a positive step toward reducing greenhouse gases.
BetR-blok is beyond the concept stage, very near commercialization. Significant research and financial support has come from Arizona State University, the United States Forest Service, the Edson Foundation, local utilities and private donors. A unique BetR-blok prototype manufacturing system that produces blocks made from recycled paper and other cellulose is being used to produce limited test blocks. These blocks have been engineered and approved for local home construction, but require ICC-ES certification, which is scheduled for Phase II, for industry-wide use. An experimental structure has been built and monitored. Planning is underway, which would extend into Phase ll, for making blocks, sheets and dimensional lumber with BetR-blok mix - using geopolymers as a binder - a significant breakthrough.
Compared to other concrete building products, BetR-blok is a much better insulator and has many other valuable properties. It is less expensive, easier on the environment and, much more versatile than its competitors. One mix may be used to produce multiple types of building materials.
The only barriers to commercialization are establishing production system consistency, finalizing mix research and finishing /stress testing the prototype manufacturing system. Phase ll plans include the transition to geopolymers as a binder and scaling for market launch with the addition of large-scale, automated machinery.
We already have the land, experience, expertise, much of the equipment and extensive cooperation research network from earlier grant work, including the resources of Arizona State University, to make this happen.
The potential of this project is inestimable-it would result in a new paradigm for manufacturing a wide range of inexpensive, environmentally-friendly building materials.
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.