Grantee Research Project Results
2022 Progress Report: A systems-based approach to understand the role of waste type, management strategies and treatment methods on the occurrence, source, and fate of PFAS in landfills
EPA Grant Number: R839620Title: A systems-based approach to understand the role of waste type, management strategies and treatment methods on the occurrence, source, and fate of PFAS in landfills
Investigators: Townsend, Timothy , Solo-Gabriele, Helena , Bowden, John , Deliz-Quiñones, Katherine
Institution: University of Florida , University of Miami
Current Institution: University of Florida
EPA Project Officer: Hahn, Intaek
Project Period: August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2022 (Extended to July 31, 2023)
Project Period Covered by this Report: August 1, 2021 through July 31,2022
Project Amount: $898,758
RFA: Practical Methods to Analyze and Treat Emerging Contaminants (PFAS) in Solid Waste, Landfills, Wastewater/Leachates, Soils, and Groundwater to Protect Human Health and the Environment (2018) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Water , Drinking Water , PFAS Treatment , Water Quality , Human Health
This project consists of four objectives, which will be accomplished following a two-track approach.
Track 1: PFAS characterization in samples from full-scale landfills and leachate treatment systems
Objective 1 – baseline characterization of PFAS occurrence and concentration in landfill samples
Objective 2 – detailed assessment of selected landfill sites and experimentation with leachate treatment
Track 2: Determine the sources of PFAS compounds in US domestic waste streams and landfill simulations
Objective 3 – measurement of leachable PFAS in waste streams with batch leaching tests
Objective 4 – measurement of PFAS through lysimeter studies using simulated waste streams.
Progress Summary:
During the third year of this project, we have finished the tasks associated with Objective 1,2 and 3. We have expanded our PFAS analytical capability and developed a new gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method for volatile PFAS. We can currently measure 92 semi-volatile PFAS using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and 19 volatile PFAS using GC-MS. We have explored three different treatment technologies to remove PFAS in landfill leachate as part of Objective 2, including membrane treatment, biochar, and vertical flow constructed wetlands. We have completed a municipal solid waste (MSW) and a construction and demolition (C&D) waste composition study outlined in Objective 3. To complete tasks associated with Objective 4, we have expanded PFAS characterization to volatile compounds, installed hot water system for future use, selected and analyzed resins for future gas sampling.
Future Activities:
In year 4 of this project, investigators will continue the construction of large-scale lysimeters and start the collection and analysis of leachate and gas samples coming out of the lysimeters (Objective 4).
Journal Articles on this Report : 6 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other project views: | All 21 publications | 19 publications in selected types | All 19 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Lott D, Robey N, Fonseca R, Bowden J, Townsend T. Behavior of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in pilot-scale vertical flow constructed wetlands treating landfill leachate. Waste Management 2023;161:187-192. |
R839620 (2022) |
Exit |
Smallwood TJ, Robey NM, Liu Y, Bowden JA, Tolaymat TM, Solo-Gabriele HM, Townsend TG. Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) distribution in landfill gas collection systems: leachate and gas condensate partitioning. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023;448:130926. |
R839620 (2022) |
Thompson JT, Robey NM, Tolaymat TM, Bowden JA, Solo-Gabriele HM, Townsend TG. Underestimation of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in biosolids: precursor transformation during conventional treatment. Environmental Science & Technology 2023;57(9):3825-3832. |
R839620 (2022) |
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Timshina A, Sobczak WJ, Griffin EK, Lin AM, Townsent TG, Bowden JA. Up in the air:Polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAPs) in airborne dust captured by air conditioning (AC) filters. CHEMOSPHERE 2023;325(138307). |
R839620 (2022) |
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Zhang H, Chen Y, Liu Y, Bowden J, Townsend T, SOlo-Gabriele H. Comparison of the PFAS and physical-chemical parameter fluctuations between an ash landfill and a MSW landfill. WASTE MANAGEMENT 2024;174:558-567. |
R839620 (2022) |
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Zhang H, Chen Y, Liu Y, Bowden JA, Townsend TG, Solo-Gabriele HM. Do PFAS changes in landfill leachate treatment systems correlate with changes in physical chemical parameters?. Waste Management 2022;151:49-59. |
R839620 (2022) |
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Supplemental Keywords:
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), fate and transport, environmental engineering, solid waste, landfill gas, mass spectrometry, emerging contaminant of concern, Florida, FLProgress and Final Reports:
Original AbstractThe perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.