Grantee Research Project Results
The UCSF Pregnancy Exposures to Environmental Chemicals (PEEC) Children's Center
EPA Grant Number: R835433Center: Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment - 2015
Center Director: Metayer, Catherine
Title: The UCSF Pregnancy Exposures to Environmental Chemicals (PEEC) Children's Center
Investigators: Woodruff, Tracey J.
Institution: University of California - San Francisco
EPA Project Officer: Hahn, Intaek
Project Period: June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2018 (Extended to May 31, 2019)
Project Amount: $3,312,848
RFA: Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers (with NIEHS) (2012) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Children's Health , Human Health
The UCSF Pregnancy Exposures to Environmental Chemicals Children's Center will advance scientific and public understanding of how environmental chemicals affect the seminal early stages of human in utero development, which could manifest as adverse effects on children's health. We are testing the hypothesis that the mechanisms include damage to the placenta—which governs in utero programming, birth weight and consequently, childhood health—and that these effects are exacerbated by social stress. The approach integrates our unique capacity to systematically measure environmental chemicals during mid-pregnancy with our well-developed in vitro and in vivo systems for understanding the consequences of these exposures. Thus, we propose a generalizable, multi-disciplinary experimental strategy that could be used to study the impact of a wide array of environmental chemicals on prenatal human development. We have chosen to focus on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). These compounds, which are found in virtually all pregnant US women, are implicated in endocrine disruption, placental pathologies and adverse birth outcomes. Project 1 will use basic science approaches and a novel in vitro model of human placentation to study the effects of these chemicals on trophoblasts—the basic building blocks of this organ—at transcriptomic, epigenomic and functional levels. Project 2 joins exposure science with placental biology. The Investigators will use targeted and non-targeted biomonitoring approaches to generate new data on human maternal and fetal exposures to PBDEs, PFCs and chemicals that are being measured for the first time during the second trimester. Then the relationship between these exposures and morphological and molecular markers of placental development will be evaluated to determine possible associations. Project 3 will evaluate the cumulative effects of prenatal PBDE and PFC exposures and chronic psychosocial stress on fetal growth in a diverse population of pregnant women. The investigators will employ innovative approaches for measuring psychosocial stress, including geocoded neighborhood measures of the social environment and interviews to assess participants' perceived stress and social standing. Biological assays—telomere length and hormone levels—will be used to measure maternal and fetal stress responses. The experimental design of this Center is highly interactive. We will determine if the novel PBDE and PFC targets that are discovered in Project 1 are misexpressed in the placental samples collected by Project 2. Project 3 will assess chemical effects on fetal growth with priority placed on the PFC and PBDE congeners identified as having strong adverse placental effects in Projects 1 and 2. Finally, Investigators on all the Projects will work with the Clinical Outreach and Translation Core to disseminate study results to key audiences in the clinical and policy arenas. The goal is to reduce the lag time between scientific discovery and prevention of harmful exposures during pregnancy, thus promoting child health.
Journal Articles: 48 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other center views: | All 77 publications | 54 publications in selected types | All 48 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Abrahamsson D, Park J, Singh R, Sirota M, Woodruff T. Applications of Machine Learning to In Silico Quantification o Chemicals without Analytical Standards. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2020;60(6):2718-2727. |
R835433 (Final) R835643 (Final) |
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Abrahamsson D, Siddharth A, Young T, Sirota M, Park J, Martin J, Woodruff T. In Silico Structure Predictions for Non-targeted Analysis: From Physicochemical Properties to Molecular Structures. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMOTY 2022;33(7):1134-1147 |
R835433 (Final) |
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Abrahamsson D, Brueck C, Prasse C, Lambropoulou D, Koronaiou L, Wang M, Park J, Woodruff T. Extracting Structural Information from Physicochemical Property Measurements Using Machine Learning-A New Approach for Structure Elucidation in Non-targeted Analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2023;27(40):14827-14838 |
R835433 (Final) R835643 (Final) |
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Bland G, Abrahamsson D, Wang M, Zlatnik M, Morello-Frosch R, Park J, Sirota M, Woodruff T. Exploring applications of non-targeted analysis in the characterization of the prenatal exposome. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVRIONMENT 2023;912(169458) |
R835433 (Final) |
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Casey JA, Karasek D, Ogburn, EL, Goin DE, Dang K, Braveman PA, Morello-Frosch R. Coal and oil power plant retirements in California:association with reduced preterm birth among populations nearby. American Journal of Epidemiology 2018;187(8):1586-1594. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Casey JA, Gemmill A, Karasek D, Ogburn, EL, Goin DE, Morello-Frosch R. Increase in fertility following coal and oil power plant retirements in California. Environmental Health 2018;17(1):44 (10 pp.). |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Di Renzo GC, Conry JA, Blake J, DeFrancesco MS, DeNicola N, Martin Jr. JN, McCue KA, Richmond D, Shah A, Sutton P, Woodruff TJ, van der Poel SZ, Giudice LC. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics opinion on reproductive health impacts of exposure to toxic environmental chemicals. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2015;131(3):219-225. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (Final) |
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Gerona RR, Pan J, Zota AR, Schwartz JM, Friesen M, Taylor JA, Hunt PA, Woodruff TJ. Direct measurement of bisphenol A (BPA), BPA glucuronide and BPA sulfate in a diverse and low-income population of pregnant women reveals high exposure, with potential implications for previous exposure estimates: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health 2016;15:50 (14 pp.). |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Gerona RR, Schwartz JM, Pan J, Friesen MM, Lin T, Woodruff TJ. Suspect screening of maternal serum to identify new environmental chemical biomonitoring targets using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2018;28(2):101-108. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) R835643 (2017) |
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Goin D, Abrahamsson D, Wang M, Jiang T, Park J, Sirota M, Morello-Frosch R, DeMicco E, Zlatnik M, Woodruff T. Disparities in chemical exposures among pregnant women and neonates by socioeconomic and demographic characteristics:A nontargeted approach. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2022;215(1):114158. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Goin D, Abrhamsson D, Wang M, Park J, Sirota M, Morello-Frosch R, DeMicco E, Trowbridge J, Augt L, O'Connell S, Ladella S, Zlatnik M, Woodruff T. Investigating geographic differences in environmental chemical exposures in maternal and cord sera using non-targeted screening and silicone wristbands in California. JOURNAL OF EXPOSURE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 2022;. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Huang H, Wang A, Morello-Frosch R, Lam J, Sirota M, Padula A, Woodruff TJ. Cumulative risk and impact modeling on environmental chemical and social stressors. Current Environmental Health Reports 2018;5(1):88-99. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Johnson PI, Sutton P, Atchley DS, Koustas E, Lam J, Sen S, Robinson KA, Axelrad DA, Woodruff TJ. The Navigation Guide—evidence-based medicine meets environmental health: systematic review of human evidence for PFOA effects on fetal growth. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(10):1028-1039. |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
Johnson PI, Koustas E, Vesterinen HM, Sutton P, Atchley DS, Kim AN, Campbell M, Donald JM, Sen S, Bero L, Zeise L, Woodruff TJ. Application of the Navigation Guide systematic review methodology to the evidence for developmental and reproductive toxicity of triclosan. Environment International 2016;92-93:716-728. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (2016) R835433 (Final) |
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Koustas E, Lam J, Sutton P, Johnson PI, Atchley DS, Sen S, Robinson KA, Axelrad DA, Woodruff TJ. The Navigation Guide—evidence-based medicine meets environmental health:systematic review of nonhuman evidence for PFOA effects on fetal growth. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(10):1015-1027. |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
Lam J, Koustas E, Sutton P, Johnson PI, Atchley DS, Sen S, Robinson KA, Axelrad DA, Woodruff TJ. The Navigation Guide—evidence-based medicine meets environmental health:integration of animal and human evidence for PFOA effects on fetal growth. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(10):1040-1051. |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
Lam J, Lanphear BP, Bellinger D, Axelrad DA, McPartland J, Sutton P, Davidson L, Daniels N, Sen S, Woodruff TJ. Developmental PBDE exposure and IQ/ADHD in childhood: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017;125(8):086001 (20 pp.). |
R835433 (2016) R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
Lam J, Kotas E, Sutton P, Padula A, Cabana M, Vesterinen H, Griffiths C, Dickie M, Daniels N, Whitaker E, Woodruff T. Exposure to formaldehyde and asthma outcomes:A systematic review, meta-analysis, and economic assessment. PLOS ONE 2021;16(3):e0248258. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Lam J, Sutton P, Kalkbrenner A, Windham G, Halladay A, Koustas E, Lawler C, Davidson L, Daniels N, Newschaffer C, Woodruff T. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Multiple Airborne Pollutants and Autism Spectrum Disorder. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 21;11(9):e0161851. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161851. PubMed PMID:27653281; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC5031428. |
R835433 (2016) R835433 (Final) |
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McHale CM, Osborne G, Morello-Frosch R, Salmon AG, Sandy MS, Solomon G, Zhang L, Smith MT, Zeise L. Assessing health risks from multiple environmental stressors: moving from G×E to I×E. Mutation Research 2018;775:11-20. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Morello-Frosch R, Cushing LJ, Jesdale BM, Schwartz JM, Guo W, Guo T, Wang M, Harwani S, Petropoulou SE, Duong W, Park J-S, Petreas M, Gajek R, Alvaran J, She J, Dobraca D, Das R, Woodruff TJ. Environmental chemicals in an urban population of pregnant women and their newborns from San Francisco. Environmental Science & Technology 2016;50(22):12464-12472. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Morgan RL, Thayer KA, Bero L, Bruce N, Falck-Ytter Y, Ghersi D, Guyatt G, Hooijmans C, Langendam M, Mandrioli D, Mustafa RA, Rehfuess EA, Rooney AA, Shea B, Silbergeld EK, Sutton P, Wolfe MS, Woodruff TJ, Verbeek JH, Holloway AC, Santesso N, Schunemann HJ. GRADE: assessing the quality of evidence in environmental and occupational health. Environment International 2016;92-93:611-616. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (2016) R835433 (Final) |
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Parry E, Zota AR, Park J-S, Woodruff TJ. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hydroxylated PBDE metabolites (OH-PBDEs): a six-year temporal trend in Northern California pregnant women. Chemosphere 2018;195-777-783. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Pelch K, Reade A, Kwiatkowski C, Merced-Nieves F, Cavalier H, Schultz K, Wolffe T, Varshavsky J. The PFAS-Tox Database:A systematic evidence map of health studies on 29 per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERNATIONAL 2022;167(107408). |
R835433 (Final) |
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Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium, Kundaje A, Meuleman W, Ernst J, Bilenky M, Yen A, Heravi-Moussavi A, Kheradpour P, Zhang Z, Wang J, Ziller MJ, Amin V, Whitaker JW, Schultz MD, Ward LD, Sarkar A, Quon G, Sandstrom RS, Eaton ML, Wu YC, Pfenning AR, Wang X, Claussnitzer M, Liu Y, Coarfa C, Harris RA, Shoresh N, Epstein CB, Gjoneska E, Leung D, Xie W, Hawkins RD, Lister R, Hong C, Gascard P, Mungall AJ, Moore R, Chuah E, Tam A, Canfield TK, Hansen RS, Kaul R, Sabo PJ, Bansal MS, Carles A, Dixon JR, Farh KH, Feizi X, Karlic R, Kim AR, Kulkarni A, Li D, Lowdon R, Elliott G, Mercer TR, Naph SJ, Onuchic V, Polak P, Rajagopal N, Ray P, Sallari RC, Siebenthall KT, Sinnott-Armstrong NA, Stevens M, Thurman RE, Wu J, Zhang B, Zhou X, Beaudet AE, Boyer LA, De Jager PL, Farnham PJ, Fisher SJ, Haussler D, Jones SJ, Li W, Marra MA, McManus MT, Sunyaev S, Thomson JA, Tlsty TD, Tsai LH, Wang W, Waterland RA, Zhang MQ, Chadwick LH, Bernstein BE, Costello JF, Ecker JR, Hirst M, Meissner A, Milosavljevic A, Ren B, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Wang T, Kellis M. Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes. Nature 2015;518(7539):317-330. |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
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Robinson JF, Kapidzic M, Gormley M, Ona K, Dent T, Seifikar H, Hamilton EG, Fisher SJ. Transcriptional dynamics of cultured human villous cytotrophoblasts. Endocrinology 2017;158(6):1581-1594. |
R835433 (2016) R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Robinson J, Hamilton E, Lam J, Chen H, Woodruff T. Differences in cytochrome p450 enzyme expression and activity in fetal and adult tissues. PLACENTA 2020;100:35-44. |
R835433 (Final) R834678 (Final) |
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Solomon GM, Morello-Frosch R, Zeise L, Faust JB. Cumulative environmental impacts: science and policy to protect communities. Annual Review of Public Health 2016;37:83-96. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Stotland NE, Sutton P, Trowbridge J, Atchley DS, Conry J, Trasande L, Gerbert B, Charlesworth A, Woodruff TJ. Counseling patients on preventing prenatal environmental exposures--a mixed-methods study of obstetricians. PLoS ONE 2014;9(6):e98771 (7 pp.). |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
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Sutton PM, Giudice LC, Woodruff TJ. Moving from awareness to action on preventing patient exposure to toxic environmental chemicals. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016;214(5):555-558. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (Final) |
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Sutton, P, Woodruff, TJ, Conry, J, Giudice, LC. Exposure to toxic chemicals:reproductive health professionals speak about the first 1,000 days. San Francisco Medicine 2014;87(9):12-13. |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
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Uyghurturk D, Goin D, Martinez-MierEA, Woodruff T, DenBesten P. Maternal and fetal exposures to fluoride during mid-gestation among pregnant women in northern California. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2020;19(1):38. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Vandenberg LN, Ågerstrand M, Beronius A, Beausoleil C, Bergman A, Bero LA, Bornehag CG, Boyer CS, Cooper GS, Cotgreave I, Gee D, Grandjean P, Guyton KZ, Hass U, Heindel JJ, Jobling S, Kidd KA, Kortenkamp A, Macleod MR, Martin OV, Norinder U, Scheringer M, Thayer KA, Toppari J, Whaley P, Woodruff TJ, Ruden C. A proposed framework for the systematic review and integrated assessment (SYRINA) of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Environmental Health 2016;15(1):74. |
R835433 (2015) R835433 (Final) |
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Vandenberg LN, Gerona RR, Kannan K, Taylor JA, van Breemen RB, Dickenson CA, Liao C, Yuan Y, Newbold RR, Padmanabhan V, Vom Saal FS, Woodruff TJ. Erratum to: A round robin approach to the analysis of bisphenol A (BPA) in human blood samples. Environmental Health 2016;15:43. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Varshavsky J, Zota A, Woodruff T. A Novel Method for Calculating Potency-Weighted Cumulative Phthalates Exposure with Implications for Identifying Racial/Ethnic Disparities among Reproductive-Aged Women in NHANES 2001-2012. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2016;5(19):10616-10624. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Varshavsky J, Morello-Frosch R, Woodruff T, Zota A. Dietary sources of cumulative phthalates exposure among the general population in NHANES 2005-2014. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 2018;115:417-429. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Varshavsky J, Morello-Frosch R, Harwani S, Snider M, Petropoulou S, Park J, Petras M, Reynolda P, Nguyen T, Quach T. A Pilot Biomonitoring Study of Cumulative Phthalates Exposure among Vietnamese American Nail Salon Workers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020;17(1). |
R835433 (Final) |
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Varshavsky J, Smith A, Wang A, Hom E, Izano M, Huang H, Padula A, Woodruff T. Heightened susceptibility:A review of how pregnancy and chemical exposures influence maternal health. Reproductive Toxicology 2020;92(SI):14-56. |
R835433 (Final) R835643 (Final) |
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Vesterinen HM, Johnson PI, Koustas E, Lam J, Sutton P, Woodruff TJ. In support of EHP's proposal to adopt the ARRIVE guidelines. Environmental Health Perspectives 2013;121(11‐12):A325. |
R835433 (2013) R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
Vesterinen HM, Morello-Frosch R, Sen S, Zeise L, Woodruff TJ. Cumulative effects of prenatal-exposure to exogenous chemicals and psychosocial stress on fetal growth: systematic-review of the human and animal evidence. PLoS One 2017;12(7):e0176331 (29 pp.). |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Wang A, Padula A, Sirota M, Woodruff TJ. Environmental influences on reproductive health: the importance of chemical exposures. Fertility and Sterility 2016;106(4):905-929. |
R835433 (2016) R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) R835643 (2016) R835643 (2017) |
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Wang A, Gerona RR, Schwartz JM, Lin T, Sirota M, Morello-Frosch R, Woodruff TJ. A suspect screening method for characterizing multiple chemical exposures among a demographically diverse population of pregnant women in San Francisco. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018;126(7):077009 (13 pp.). |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
Woodruff TJ, Sutton P. The Navigation Guide systematic review methodology: a rigorous and transparent method for translating environmental health science into better health outcomes. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(10):1007-1014. |
R835433 (2014) R835433 (Final) |
Zota AR, Linderholm L, Park JS, Petreas M, Guo T, Privalsky ML, Zoeller RT, Woodruff TJ. Temporal comparison of PBDEs, OH-PBDEs, PCBs, and OH-PCBs in the serum of second trimester pregnant women recruited from San Francisco General Hospital, California. Environmental Science & Technology 2013;47(20):11776-11784. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Zota AR, Mitro SD, Robinson JF, Hamilton EG, Park JS, Parry E, Zoeller RT, Woodruff TJ. Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs) and hydroxylated PBDE metabolites (OH-PBDEs) in maternal and fetal tissues, and associations with fetal cytochrome P450 gene expression. Environment International 2018;112:269-278. |
R835433 (2017) R835433 (Final) |
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Zota A, Mitro S, Robinson J, Hamilton E, Park J, Parry E, Zoeller R, Woodruff J. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDEs and hydroxylated PBDE metabolites OH-PBDEs in maternal and fetal tissues, and associations with fetal cytochrome P450 gene expression. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 2018;112:269-278. |
R835433 (Final) |
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Morello-Frosch R, Cushing LJ, Jesdale BM, Schwartz JM, Guo W, Guo T, Wang M, Harwani S, Syrago-Petropoulou SSE, Duong W, Park J-S, Petreas M, Gajek R, Alvaran J, She J, Dobraca D, Das R, Woodruff TJ (2016) Environmental Chemicals in an Urban Population of Pregnant Women and their Newborns from San Francisco. Environ Sci and Technol DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b03492. |
R835433 (2016) |
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Johnson PI, Sutton P, Koustas E, Vesterinen HM, Woodruff TJ. Response to correspondence by Heather Lynch, Julie Goodman and Nancy Beck Re:"Application of the Navigation Guide systematic review methodology to the evidence for developmental and reproductive toxicity of triclosan". Environ Int. 2017 Feb 21. pii:S0160-4120(17)30231-3. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2017.02.007. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:28236502. |
R835433 (2016) R835433 (Final) |
Progress and Final Reports:
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.
Project Research Results
- Final Report
- 2017 Progress Report
- 2016 Progress Report
- 2015 Progress Report
- 2014 Progress Report
- 2013 Progress Report
48 journal articles for this center