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Self Test for Core Principles of Watershed Management Module

Click on the appropriate response to each question below. After you've completed the quiz, you can calculate your score and compare your answers to the correct answers by clicking on the calculate score button that follows the quiz.

A passing grade is 7 of 10 correct, or 70%.

1. This module presents four core principles of watershed management. Which of the following is not one?


  A. Watershed management is continuous and needs a multidisciplinary approach
  B. A watershed management framework supports partnering, using sound science, taking well-planned actions and achieving results
  C. Watersheds are natural systems that we can work with
  D. Watersheds are a type of building for storing bottled water
2. Which of the following statements are true with regard to delineating a watershed:
  A. A watershed is the land that water flows across or through on its way to a common stream river or lake
  B. The size of a watershed can be very large or very small depending on the location of its outlet
  C. A small watershed that rests within a larger watershed is sometimes called a subwatershed
  D. D. All of the above
3. As described in the module, the three natural watershed management zones are:
  A. Lake, river, and stream
  B. Headwater, confluence, and outlet
  C. Waterbody, riparian, and upland
  D. None of the above
4. Natural processes at work in a watershed can provide which of the following benefits:
  A. Habitat for fish and other life
  B. Drinking water for people and other living organisms
  C. Assimilation of contaminants
  D. All the above

5. Which of the following human actions affect the health and condition of a watershed:

  A. Increasing impervious surfaces through building roads, houses, and parking lots
  B. Removing vegetation along drainage ways and streams
  C. Straightening stream channels and piping stormwater directly into waterways
  D. All of the above

6. Types of valuable watershed information that you can find using EPA's Surf Your Watershed website include:

  A. Population density
  B. NPDES permitted point source discharge sites
  C. Land uses
  D. All the above

7. As defined in the module, a watershed management framework is:

  A. A lasting process for partners working together
  B. A structure made of agreed upon standard operating procedures, timelines, and forums for communicating with each other
  C. A plan that describes environmental problems and outlines specific restoration actions
  D. Both A and B above

8. Which of the following is not one of the common elements of successful watershed management frameworks:

  A. Stakeholder involvement
  B. Geographic management units
  C. A fishing license
  D. A management cycle of activities

9. Which of the following is (are) true about stakeholders and their role in a watershed or basin management cycle:

  A. Stakeholders are involved throughout
the process, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
  B. Stakeholders include anyone who can
impact or is impacted by a decision in the watershed.
  C. Both A and B above
  D. Neither A and B above

10. Which statement is not true about the watershed approach:

  A. Watershed management is a dynamic and continually readjusting process
  B. Watershed management is a relatively fixed process and can usually be approached the same way in every case
  C. Watershed management needs a multidisciplinary approach
  D. A strong watershed management approach is one that generates ecologically-based, innovative, cost-effective solutions

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