Water Quality Reports are Section 305(b), National Water Quality Inventory and Section 303(d), the Threatened and Impaired Waters List

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Water Quality Reports

States, tribes, and territories are required to provide the results of their monitoring efforts in the form of two reports, submitted to EPA and made available to the public. These reports are generally submitted on April 1 of every even-numbered year (i.e., biennially).

The first report is the “305(b) Report,” after the requiring section of the CWA. It should include all that which the state, tribe, or territory knows about all its waters—healthy, threatened, and in poor condition. The second is the “303(d) List” and should include only those waters that are either threatened or already water quality limited (i.e., not meeting one or more applicable water quality standard).

In addition to 305(b) reports and 303(d) lists, states and tribes also submit other lists to EPA, such as the 303(e) continuous planning list and toxic hot spots under 304(l).

Web Resources
EPA’s Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality website

EPA’s Assessment Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Tracking And Implementation System (ATTAINS) provides information reported by the states to EPA about the conditions in their surface waters. This information is required every two years under Clean Water Act sections 305(b) and 303(d). For more information and to view findings reported by states and tribes, visit EPA’s Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Results website

Since 2002, EPA has encouraged states, tribes, and territories to submit the information previously contained in separate 305(b) and 303(d) reports in one consolidated format. Under this new “Integrated Report” approach, all waters would be placed in one of five categories. These categories are defined by the amount of information available regarding a water body and the condition of the water body (For more information, see EPA’s TMDL Guidance.)

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