Photo: Drip torches allow precise application of fire to small areas of flammable materials buildup in uneven terrain.

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7. Fire Management - continued

Studies have shown that prescribed burning, if carefully planned and done using appropriate BMPs, can avoid significant effects on water quality. Prescribed fire BMPs include:

  • Carefully plan burning to take into account weather, time of year, and fuel conditions so that these help achieve the desired results and minimize effects on water quality.

  • Do not conduct intense prescribed fire for site preparation in the SMZ. Do not pile and burn for slash removal purposes in the SMZ, and avoid construction of firelines in the SMZ or immediately adjacent or parallel to the SMZ.

  • Prescribe burns should be only as intense as necessary to achieve the desired objective. If possible, burn to maintain some of the duff or residual organic matter on the soil to prevent soil erosion.

  • Avoid conditions that require extensive blading of fire lines by heavy equipment when prescribing burns. Use handlines, firebreaks, and hose lays to minimize blading of fire lines.

  • Execute the burn with a trained crew and avoid intense burning.

  • Avoid burning on steep slopes in high-erosion-hazard areas or areas that have highly erodible soils.
Note that State, county, and local governments may have air pollution or smoke management requirements for prescribed burns.

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