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  • Keyword = water and wildfire.
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Records 1 to 25 of 74

Climate and Pacific Northwest fires: EPA research on air and water quality
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 17, 2024]
Historic droughts in western states driven by anthropogenic warming have resulted in an unprecedented increase in wildfire frequency and area burned. In the last few decades, fire acres burned in the United States have more than doubled, with concomitant increased risk to human h...
EPA Wildfire Research: Impacts on Air and Water Quality
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 18, 2024]
EPA Wildfire Research: Impacts on Air and Water Quality WESTAR-WRAP Spring Business Meeting 2024, Riverside, California Wildland fire smoke impacts millions of people in the United States every year. The EPA’s Office of Research and Development is addressing our increasingl...
Nutrients in smoke: Is there an effect on cyanobacteria in downwind waterbodies?
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 01, 2024]
This is a public presentation on the potential effects of nutrients in smoke on downwind cyanobacteria blooms. Wildfire activity is increasing in the continental U.S. and can be linked to climate change effects, including rising temperatures and more frequent drought conditions. ...
Emission factors and evolution of SO2 measured from biomass burning in wildfires and agricultural fires
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 13, 2022]
Fires emit sufficient sulfur to affect local and regional air quality and climate. This study analyzes SO2 emission factors and variability in smoke plumes from US wildfires and agricultural fires, as well as their relationship to sulfate and hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) fo...
Exploring spatial variation in aquatic ecosystem responses to wildfire in the Pacific Northwest
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 01, 2024]
Aquatic ecosystem responses to wildfire can vary widely depending on the characteristics of fire and the spatial context of where a fire takes place. Assessment of wildfire risk to aquatic ecosystems requires an understanding of sources of such variability (see Ebersole et al. th...
Vulnerability of Pacific Northwest Aquatic Ecosystems to Wildfire
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 01, 2024]
Wildfire risk to aquatic ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest is a growing concern, but this risk is not equally distributed across the region. Furthermore, risks vary among valued endpoints and may be perceived differently by drinking water providers, forest managers, and fish bi...
Resistance of stream vertebrate populations and assemblages post-fire in Western OR
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 01, 2024]
Wildfire frequency and intensity are expected to increase in many forested regions. Aquatic biota face multiple wildfire-induced changes in physical, chemical, and biological conditions, and these can vary with burn severity, post-fire weather, geomorphic events, stream features,...
Beyond PM2.5: The Other Effects of Wildfires on Air and Water Quality
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 19, 2024]
This is a presentation on the effects of wildfire on air and water quality for the ACE webinar series
Heterogeneity in post-fire thermal responses across Pacific Northwest streams: A multi-site study
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 01, 2024]
Over the past century, water temperatures of many headwater streams in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) have steadily risen, shrinking endangered salmonid habitats. Warming of stream reaches in the PNW can further accelerate due to wildfires burning forest stands that provide stream s...
EPA Wildfire Research, National EPA Tribal Science Council 2023
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
Overview of published EPA wildfire research related to water quality impacts, modeling support for land management and the potential for smoke to serve as a disease vector.  
Identifying the drivers of aquatic ecosystem vulnerability to wildfires in the Pacific Northwest - AGU 2023
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 15, 2023]
Wildfires can have complex effects on aquatic ecosystems that vary widely depending on the characteristics of the fire and the ecological context of the watershed, making predictions of fire effects on species of social and conservation interest, like salmonid fishes (Oncorhynchu...
Leveraging stream and riparian monitoring data to evaluate linkages between wildfire and aquatic habitats in the Pacific Northwest
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 15, 2023]
Wildfire is a characteristic disturbance process affecting ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest (PNW). However, 150 years of intensive management and resource extraction across diverse PNW ecosystems complicates our understanding of how fire interacts with various ecological proce...
A vulnerability assessment of wildland fire impacts to public drinking water in the western and southeastern United States
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 27, 2022]
Wildland fires in the United States (U.S.) have increased in frequency and area burned since the mid-1980s. This trend is most pronounced in the western United States, and to a lesser extent in the nation’s southeastern region. Historic fire suppression policies have result...
Unprecedented Douglas-fir mortality from drought and Swiss needle cast at Tillamook, Oregon
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 30, 2023]
Droughts and biological disturbance agents (BDAs, i.e., pests and pathogens) in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) of the United States are causing tree mortality but the disturbance-climate relationships are not well understood (Agne et al., 2018).  In recent decades, significant ...
Oregon Post-Fire Research and Monitoring Symposium: Abstract Compendium
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Nov 22, 2023]
This EPA report is based on the 2023 Post-fire Research and Monitoring Symposium that was organized by the Oregon Governor’s Post-fire Science Team and was held February 7-9, 2023 at Oregon State University. The Symposium aimed to increase awareness among those conducting post-fi...
Wildfires in the western United States are mobilizing PM2.5-associated nutrients and may be contributing to downwind cyanobacteria blooms
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 15, 2023]
Wildfire activity is increasing and can be linked to climate change effects, including rising global temperatures and more frequent drought conditions. Wildfire emissions impact human health and sensitive ecosystems, particularly in the western United States where large fire freq...
A Model Linkage to Assess the Effects of Wildfire on Water Quality
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 02, 2023]
Wildfire activity in western US forests has increased over the last two decades, increasing solid and nutrient loadings to streams, and in some cases threatening drinking water supplies. Here, we demonstrate that a linked LANDIS-VELMA modeling approach can simulate wildland fire ...
Spatiotemporal patterns of water quality after wildfires in the western US
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 23, 2023]
Multiple drought-related wildfires burned forests across the western United States (U.S.) during the 2020 fall season. Wildfires can significantly affect hydrologic processes such as streamflow and nutrient transport to stream, however, the natural variability of its behavior com...
Mountain Lakes Condition and Threats Across the US
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 28, 2023]
Mountain lakes are important resources for recreation, drinking water, and aquatic habitat but these lakes are particularly vulnerable to changing climate, air pollution, wildfire, harmful algal blooms, and human development. We investigated the condition of and threats to mounta...
Large influence of soil moisture on wildfires, biological disturbance agents, and tree growth in Pacific Northwest coniferous forests
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 02, 2023]
Droughts in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) of the United States are causing tree mortality and increasing tree die off from wildfire and biological disturbance agents (BDAs, i.e., pests and pathogens) but the disturbance-climate relationships are not well understood (Agne et al. 201...
Causal Modeling for Wildfire Risk Assessment
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 21, 2022]
This presentation will provide an overview of recent research on causal modeling concepts with Bayesian networks at a Pacific Ecological Systems Division seminar series for wildfires. mistry. He is currently a Research Toxicologist in EPA’s Office of Research and Development in G...
Enhancing spatial weather dynamics in the LANDIS-VELMA model linkage to assess the effects of wildfire on water quality
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jan 12, 2023]
Wildfire activity in western US forests has increased over the last two decades, resulting in increased solids and nutrient loadings to streams, and in some cases threatening drinking water supplies. These increases are attributed to rainfall events and the distribution of water ...
The complexity of biological disturbance agents, fuels heterogeneity, and fire in coniferous forests of the western United States
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2022]
Forest biological disturbance agents (BDAs) are insects, pathogens, and parasitic plants that cause tree decline and mortality. Traditionally, BDAs were thought to increase the likelihood and severity of fire by adversely affecting forest health. However, there are a wide range o...
Large influence of soil moisture on wildfires, biological disturbance agents, and tree growth in Pacific Northwest coniferous forests.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 08, 2023]
Droughts in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) of the United States are causing tree mortality and increasing tree die off from wildfire and biological disturbance agents (BDAs, i.e., pests and pathogens) but the disturbance-climate relationships are not well understood (Agne et al. 201...
US Environmental Protection Agency Wildfire Outreach and Research Initiatives
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 08, 2023]
The US Environmental Protection Agency is leading a coordinated national effort to protect public health and the environment in the face of increasing likelihood of wildfire ignitions, number of large wildfires (> 100,000 acres), and acres burned. In the Smoke-Ready Toolbox, t...