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Records 1 to 23 of 23 records about '6PPD or 6PPD q or 6PPDq'

VELMA model green infrastructure applications for reducing 6PPD-quinone concentrations in Puget Sound urban streams
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 12, 2024]
This research builds upon successful StRAP 3 (Appendix B) and RARE project tests of ORD's VELMA ecohydrology model to identify urban GI solutions for reducing stormwater contaminant loads impacting ESA-listed salmonids in the Puget Sound National Estuary. For example, recent resu...
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Emerging Environmental Impacts of Tire Wear Particles and Their Chemical Cocktails
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 01, 2024]
Despite converting to green and electric sources of power, motorized transportation remains dependent upon conventional synthetic rubber tires for operation. Global dependence upon tires produced from natural rubber and petroleum-based compounds, including plastics, represents a ...
Summary of Research on Airborne Tire Wear including 6PPD/6PPD-quinone- Tyre Emissions and Sustainability Conference: April 2024
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 25, 2024]
With the declining tailpipe emissions from the US and worldwide motor vehicle fleet, impacts of tire and brake wear are an increasingly important area of interest.  Recent research has shown the compound 6PPD used in tires as an anti-degradation chemical reacts with ozone to...
Proof-of-Concept Publicly Accessible Data Dashboards from the US-EPA
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 14, 2024]
Background and Purpose The US-EPA first delivered the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard ( to the community in 2016 and it has become one of the definitive online resources for sourcing chemical toxicity data. Used by thousands of scientists a day, the ...
Watershed analysis of urban stormwater contaminant 6PPD-Quinone hotspots and stream concentrations using a process-based ecohydrological model
(JOURNAL) [Published : Mar 06, 2024]
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), are highly sensitive to  6PPD-quinone (6PPD-q), a transformation product of the ubiquitously used tire rubber antiozonant 6PPD and found in stormwater runoff [1, 2]. Details of the hydrological and biogeochemical processes controlling spat...
Impacts of 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone from tire wear- Tyre Emissions and Sustainability Conference
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 29, 2024]
With the declining tailpipe emissions from the US and worldwide motor vehicle fleet, impacts of tire and brake wear are an increasingly important area of interest.  Recent research has shown the compound 6PPD used in tires as an anti-degradation chemical reacts with ozone to...
Impacts of 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone from tire wear
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 14, 2024]
With the declining tailpipe emissions from the US and worldwide motor vehicle fleet, impacts of tire and brake wear are an increasingly important area of interest.  Recent research has shown the compound 6PPD used in tires as an anti-degradation chemical reacts with ozone to...
Update on EPA Actions to Address 6PPD-Quinone
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
6ppd-quinone has been identified as highly toxic to coho salmon and potentially other species. It is a breakdown product of 6ppd, an additive incorporated in rubber tires to help prevent cracking and degrading when exposed to oxygen, ozone, and temperature fluctuations. 6ppd-quin...
Improved urban runoff prediction using high-resolution land-use, imperviousness, and stormwater infrastructure data applied to a process-based ecohydrological model
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 20, 2023]
Modeling large-scale hydrological impacts brought about by site-level green and gray stormwater remediation actions is difficult because urbanized areas are extremely complex dynamic landscapes that include engineered features that, by design, expedite urban runoff to streams, ri...
Desorption and quantification of 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone from tire wear particulate on quartz fiber filters
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 16, 2023]
An abstract for the Air and Waste Management Association's Air Quality Measurements Method and Technology Conference. The proposed talk will discuss progress on the above Primary Research Project. 
Tires and tire wear particles: an overlooked source of pollution
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 04, 2023]
This presentation will focus on how to understand and address contaminant sources from road wear particles.
Overview of the VELMA Application and other modeling tools
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 02, 2023]
ROCS-NET presentation presented held at Corvallis OR ORD lab on October 18th and November 2nd.
EPA and Tribal Actions to address PFAS and 6PPD-quinone
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 26, 2023]
Abstract: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other chemicals. PFAS have been manufactured and used in a variety of industries since the 1940s. PFAS are widely used, long lasting chemicals, componen...
Salish Sea ecosystem services decision-making support via basin scale modeling of terrestrial inputs into the aquatic habitats
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 28, 2023]
Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments (VELMA) is an ecohydrology model being leveraged in a recently-initiated effort to identify practical, proactive watershed restoration strategies that can be initiated now to lessen long-term impacts of climate change on Puget Sou...
Modeling alternative future land use and climate change scenarios (1990–2100) for all major Puget Sound river basins (~30,000 km2)
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 19, 2023]
Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments (VELMA) is an ecohydrology model being leveraged in a recently initiated effort to identify practical, proactive watershed restoration strategies that can be initiated now to lessen long-term impacts of climate change on Puget Sou...
Evaluating the bioactivity of the ubiquitous tire preservative 6PPD and its quinone transformation product
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 08, 2022]
Presentation to the National EPA Tribal Science Council, Fall 2022 Face-to-Face Meeting December 2022  
A Transcriptomic View of 6PPD & 6PPD-Q in Pimephales promelas
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 17, 2022]
In the last few years, the world of aquatic toxicology has set its eyes on the chemicals N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) and its transformation product chemical N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine-quinone (6PPD-quinone) present in urban ru...
Painting the Rainbow: Expanding high-throughput chemical hazard evaluation to ecotoxicology-relevant species with a rainbow trout gill cell line
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 21, 2022]
Proposed high-throughput methods for chemical hazard evaluation at the United States Environmental Protection Agency emphasize the use of human-derived cells. To expand the applicability of these high-throughput methods to ecological hazard assessment, a previously developed high...
Strategies for reducing uncertainties in modeled urban stormwater runoff and contaminant loads in Puget Sound nearshore streams
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 26, 2022]
The University of Washington Tacoma is facilitating ten scientific workshops over the next year to bring together for utilities, environmental community-based organizations, scientists, state and federal agencies, and the Tribes to discuss technical uncertainties related to terre...
Multipollutant Reduction Simulation of BMPs with VELMA
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 03, 2022]
 This presentation focuses on Puget Sound applications of the U.S. EPA’s VELMA ecohydrological model for identifying watershed BMPs for reducing various pollutants impacting freshwater and marine water quality endpoints of concern. The presentation is one of six workshop presenta...
VELMA Model Green Infrastructure Applications for Reducing 6ppd-Quinone Concentrations in Puget Sound Urban Streams (Presentation)
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 25, 2022]
This presentation focuses on applications of the U.S. EPA’s VELMA ecohydrological model for assessing the effectiveness green and gray infrastructure improvements for reducing stormwater contaminant loads to Seattle’s Longfellow Creek. This creek, like many other urban creeks dra...
Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments (VELMA) 2.1 Modeling Tool
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Mar 15, 2022]
<p>EPA announced the release of VELMA 2.1 Model and accompanying supplemental user's guide (Apr 2022) on the EPA website. EPA's VELMA tool helps assessor's model effective decisions for a wide array of environmental issues. It is a spatially explicit ecohydrological watershed mod...
Model analysis and visualization of 6PPD-quinone fate and transport in Longfellow Creek watershed, Seattle, USA
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 14, 2021]
·         Transport of materials from the landscape controls nearshore water quality in most estuarine and coastal ecosystems, including Puget Sound. A prevailing assumption is that nearshore and coastal water quality can be improved through effective land use policies designed t...