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Records with

  • Keyword = remote sensing OR satellite AND harmful algal blooms.
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Records 76 to 100 of 1222

Satellite and in situ cyanobacteria monitoring: Understanding the impact of monitoring frequency on management decisions
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 01, 2023]
Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) in reservoirs can be transported to downstream waters via scheduled discharges. Transport dynamics are difficult to capture in traditional cyanoHAB monitoring, which can be spatially disparate and temporally discontinuous. The intro...
Two Decades of Cyanobacteria Bloom Assessment and Change Detection in Lakes of The Contiguous United States using Satellite Observations
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 15, 2021]
Continuous monitoring and assessment of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (CyanoHABs) is a critical need for timely management of water quality and policymaking. This study assessed CyanoHAB magnitude in freshwater lakes across the Contiguous United States (CONUS) using satelli...
Paths to research-driven decision making in the realms of environment and water
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 01, 2022]
Now more than ever it is critical for researchers and decision makers to work together to improve how we manage and preserve the planet's natural resources. Water managers in the western U.S., as in many regions of the world, are facing unprecedented challenges including increasi...
Assessing blue carbon habitats from space: A study on seagrasses and salt marshes
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 15, 2022]
The presentation describes the approaches used with satellite remote sensing  to fill spatial and temporal gaps in two habitats: seagrasses and tidal marshes. 
Spatiotemporal patterns of water quality to wildfires in the western United States
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 08, 2023]
Multiple drought-related wildfires burned forests across the western United States (U.S.) during the 2020 fall season. Wildfires can significantly affect hydrologic processes such as streamflow and nutrient transport to stream, however, the natural variability of its behavior com...
Assessing the Maximum Chlorophyll Index for Sentinel-2 at a broad scale
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 27, 2022]
Chlorophyll a is often used to assess eutrophication and general ecological condition. The presentation will demonstrate calculation of a chlorophyll a algorithm called the Maximum Chlorophyll Index (MCI) using Sentinel-2 data. Additionally, performance of the MCI will be quantif...
Mapping non-perennial streams and inland wetlands: status and future directions
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 16, 2022]
Non-perennial headwater streams and inland wetlands are vulnerable waters that provide essential functions supporting healthy watersheds and downstream waters. The size, abundance, and hydrological variability of these systems make mapping their extent and characterizing their te...
Highlights of the Cyanobacteria Assessment Network: validation, application, and reverberation.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 07, 2022]
The Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) project mission is to provide a useful and accessible approach for detecting and quantifying cyanobacterial blooms and related water quality using satellite data records. CyAN developed an early warning indicator system to detect cyanob...
Mapping seagrass across the United States using high-resolution, commercial satellite imagery
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 12, 2022]
A recent review recommended the need for a consistent monitoring approach for seagrass habitats in order to adequately protect seagrass meadows. Satellite imagery may offer more consistent monitoring over time compared to traditional photointerpretation methods. This study levera...
Identifying lakes at risk of toxic cyanobacterial blooms using satellite imagery and field surveys across the United States
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 15, 2023]
Harmful algal blooms caused by cyanobacteria are a threat to global water resources and human health. Satellite remote sensing has vastly expanded spatial and temporal data on lake cyanobacteria, yet there is still acute need for tools that identify which waterbodi...
Investigations of Aquatic Applications in Google Earth Engine
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jan 10, 2023]
The GEOAquawatch working group is exploring the ability of Google Earth Engine to meet the shared need for comprehensive, open access water quality information on a global scale. This webinar will provide an overview of the group's activities and facilitate a discussion among the...
Regional forest canopy height and structure models, integrating GEDI spaceborne-lidar and Sentinel-1, -2 data
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 12, 2021]
The success of sustainable development and climate initiatives rests on our capacity to remotely monitor ecosystems in a way that is accurate, precise, and recurring. In particular, estimates of forest canopy height and structure underpin efforts to quantify forest carbon emissio...
Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) Web Application.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 17, 2022]
CyANWeb is a dynamic web application that provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with CyANO satellite derived daily and weekly datasets. The web app provides all the original functionality found in the CyAN Android app, as well as new enhancements which include t...
Data Supplement to Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains (EPA 840-B021008)
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : May 01, 2022]
The data supplement is a companion document to the user manual for the beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Western Mountains (beta SDAM WM) of the United States (EPA 840-B-21008). The beta SDAM WM is a field-based method for rapidly classifying stream reaches as pe...
Estimating Cyanobacteria Abundance and Bloom Occurrence in Western Lake Superior with Satellite Remote Sensing.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 16, 2022]
Increased harmful algal bloom (HAB) occurrences in the Laurentian Lakes have been a major health and environmental concern due to anthropogenic pollutants and climate change. During the warmest months of the year it is common to see non-toxic blooms along the shores of Lake Super...
US EPA’s Strategy for Reducing Current Uncertainty in Quantifying Landfill Methane
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 20, 2022]
A Nature 2019 publication found that landfill methane emissions contributed 40% of total emissions as compared to oil and gas (26%) and agriculture (23%) from a survey conducted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  Landfills were thought to be the 3rd largest sourc...
“SPI-ing” on benthic conditions in Lakes Erie and Ontario using Sediment Profile Imagery
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 20, 2022]
Sediment profile imaging (SPI) was performed in Lakes Ontario and Erie as part of the 2018 and 2019 CSMI lakewide benthic assessments. SPI is an efficient and cost-effective remote sensing approach for benthic assessments and has been used extensively in marine systems since the ...
Headwater streams and inland wetlands: Status and advancements of geospatial datasets and maps across the United States
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 17, 2022]
Headwater streams and inland wetlands provide essential functions that support healthy watersheds and downstream waters. However, scientists and aquatic resource managers lack a comprehensive synthesis of national and state stream and wetland geospatial datasets and emerging tech...
Using national datasets surveys to identify lakes at-risk for toxic cyanobacteria blooms in the U.S.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 07, 2022]
Algal blooms caused by toxin-producing cyanobacteria are a threat to global water resources and human health. Water resource managers need tools that identify which lakes are at risk of toxic cyanobacteria blooms. We address this need by using Cyanobacteria Assessment Network sat...
Updates and enhancements to USEPA’s CyANWeb web application for early detection of harmful algal blooms to protect human health in recreational waters
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 08, 2022]
The Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) is a multi-agency (NASA, USGS, NOAA, and USEPA) project to support the safe public use of U.S. lakes and reservoirs and includes delivery of satellite images of algal blooms via a web-based application developed and hosted by the USEPA....
Mapping headwater streams and inland wetlands in the US: a review of geospatial datasets and emerging approaches
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 20, 2022]
Headwater streams and inland wetlands provide essential functions supporting healthy watersheds and downstream waters. However, scientists and aquatic resource managers lack a comprehensive synthesis of national and state stream and wetland geospatial datasets and emerging techno...
Cyanobacteria Assessment Network Cross-Platform Responsive Web Application (CyANWeb)
(PAPER IN NON-EPA PROCEEDINGS) [Published : Sep 17, 2020]
The Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) is a multi-agency (NASA, USGS, NOAA, and EPA) project whose mission supports the environmental management and safe public use of U.S. lakes and reservoirs by providing a capability of detecting and quantifying algal blooms using satelli...
Are landfill emissions in the United States understated?
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 27, 2022]
Recent measurements from next generation emission measurement (NGEM) technology indicate that methane emissions from U.S. landfills may be understated. Remote sensing studies in California revealed that landfills were responsible for 41% of the State’s methane inventory, wi...
Data Supplement to Development and Evaluation of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method (SDAM) for the Great Plains (GP)
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Sep 28, 2022]
The data supplement is a companion document to the user manual for the beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method for the Great Plains (beta SDAM GP) of the United States. The beta SDAM GP is a field-based method for rapidly classifying stream reaches as perennial, intermittent, ...
User Manual for a Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method (SDAM) for the Great Plains of the United States
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Mar 01, 2021]
This manual describes a beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Method (SDAM) that is intended to distinguish flow duration classes (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial) of stream reaches in the Northern and Southern Great Plains (GP) regions of the United States.  All indicators ...