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  • Keyword = Nutrients.
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Records 76 to 100 of 2883

Using continental-scale monitoring data to develop nitrogen and phosphorus thresholds to assess United States estuaries
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 16, 2023]
Nutrient pollution continues to impact water quality and degrade coastal ecosystems. Coastal eutrophication assessments are useful tools to track the effects of nutrient over-enrichment at large-scales and over time. These assessments often use response variables including chloro...
Lake Michigan 2021 CSMI Lower Food Web Summary
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 22, 2023]
In 2021, GLTED scientists and collaborators participated in the Lake Michigan Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative. Our research team was responsible for analyzing nutrient chlorophyll a and zooplankton monitoring data from the field year. We analyzed for spatial differe...
Patterns in nitrogen isotopes from fish at the continental scale
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 16, 2023]
Nitrogen isotopes are frequently used as an indicator of anthropogenic nitrogen loading at the local or regional scale. We were interested in assessing nitrogen isotope response in estuaries across the continental United States. In the summer of 2015, the EPA’s National Coa...
Nutrient dynamics in an urban tropical estuary before significant restoration
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 16, 2023]
The San Juan Bay Estuary (SJBE) is an estuarine system situated in highly developed and urbanized San Juan, Puerto Rico. Due to increased residential development in the 1950s, the Caño Martín Peña (CMP), a channel which connects lagoons to the bay has increas...
Freshwater Salinization Syndrome Alters Nitrogen Transport in Urban Watersheds
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 14, 2023]
Anthropogenic salt inputs have increasingly impacted many streams in the U.S. for more than a century. Urban stream salinity is often chronically elevated and punctuated by episodic salinization events after applications of road salt, which can last hours to days after snowstorms...
Poster: Regional Efforts to Use Sediment Diatoms as Biological Indicators of Lake Condition in the Northeastern US
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 27, 2023]
Diatoms are excellent indicators of water quality and can be used as a tool for biological assessment. Aquatic ecosystems span across state boundaries and the northeast states have a long-standing interest in taking a regional approach to developing water quality criteria for lak...
Challenges and Strategies for Applying Models to Decision Making
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 09, 2023]
This presentation highlights challenges and strategies for applying mechanistic simulation models to decision making. Case studies are presented using ORD's Coastal Generalized Ecosystem Model (CGEM), emphasizing different results and applications from the northern Gulf of Mexico...
VELMA Watershed Modeling for the Puget Sound Integrated Terrestrial-Marine Modeling project
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 26, 2023]
In collaboration with University of Washington and NOAA marine ecosystem modelers participating in the new Puget Sound Integrated Modeling Framework ( PSIMF ) project, ORD’s VELMA watershed modeling team is estimating environmental impacts of alternative future land use and...
Wetland Flowpaths Mediate Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations across the Upper Mississippi River Basin
(JOURNAL) [Published : Oct 06, 2023]
Eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and human health impacts are critical environmental challenges resulting from excess nitrogen and phosphorus in surface waters. Yet we have limited information regarding how wetland characteristics mediate water quality across watershed scale...
EPA’s Coastal Nutrient Research
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 21, 2023]
This is a requested presentation for the EPA-NOAA Climate- Water Quality Workshop on EPA’s Coastal Nutrient Research. This presentation provides an overview of EPA Coastal Research for including tools available to characterize nutrient inputs and the response of several end...
Use of historical isoscapes to develop an estuarine nutrient baseline
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 06, 2023]
Coastal eutrophication is a prevalent threat to the healthy functioning of ecosystems globally. While degraded water quality can be detected by monitoring oxygen, nutrient concentrations, and algal abundance, establishing regulatory guidelines is complicated by a lack of baseline...
Wildfires in the western United States are mobilizing PM2.5-associated nutrients and may be contributing to downwind cyanobacteria blooms
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 15, 2023]
Wildfire activity is increasing and can be linked to climate change effects, including rising global temperatures and more frequent drought conditions. Wildfire emissions impact human health and sensitive ecosystems, particularly in the western United States where large fire freq...
Regional efforts to use sediment diatoms as biological indicators of lake condition in the northeastern U.S.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 01, 2023]
Diatoms are excellent indicators of water quality and can be used as a tool for biological assessment. Aquatic ecosystems span across state boundaries and the northeast states have a long-standing interest in taking a regional approach to developing water quality criteria for lak...
Freshwater Salinization Syndrome limits management efforts to improve water quality
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 22, 2023]
Freshwater Salinization Syndrome (FSS) refers to the interactive effects of salt ions on the degradation of the natural, built, and social systems. FSS can mobilize chemical mixtures, termed ‘chemical cocktails’, in watersheds. The formation of chemical cocktails acro...
Confronting the ghosts of nutrients past, present and future in water quality management
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 21, 2023]
Abstract:  Nutrient inputs to the landscape often move beyond their intended human uses in agricultural or urban systems, unintentionally being released to air, deeper soils, wetlands, groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas.  Added nitrogen or phosphorus...
Promise and Problems of Real-Time Nitrate Monitoring to Inform Watershed Management in the Nooksack Basin
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 14, 2023]
Promise and Problems of Real-Time Nitrate Monitoring to Inform Watershed Management in the Nooksack Basin. David Hooper1, Rich Sheibley2, Craig Senter3, Jana Compton4 1Western Washington University, 2USGS Washington Water Science Center, 3USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center...
A cell-averaged numerical model for one-dimensional subsurface flow in a sloping wetland bed
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 25, 2023]
Constructed subsurface wetlands are widely used to treat wastewater and diffuse source pollutants. A cell-averaged subsurface flow numerical model has been recently developed to specifically solve water quality problems at scales coarser than the high-resolution point-scale model...
Transforming Urban Water Systems Towards A More Sustainable Future - Bellevue, WA
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 06, 2023]
Urban water systems are not self-contained units, economically or ecologically.  They rely on larger biophysical supports from natural capital.  The behavior of such systems as a whole and the interactions between subcomponents can be observed.  The optimization at system level t...
Electron Transfer and Dissolution of Clay Minerals Influence Green Rust Precipitation at Iron-reducing conditions
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 12, 2022]
Flooded soil environments like wetland and riparian areas are transformers of trace elements and nutrients in large part because of anoxic redox cycling of Fe. Under common flooded soil conditions, biogeochemical processes solubilize Fe by reductive dissolution and release Fe(II)...
Assessing the biological condition of streams and rivers in the contiguous United States with joint species distribution models
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 11, 2023]
Using reference sites to establish appropriate biological benchmarks to assess biological condition is challenging because of the ubiquity of anthropogenic impacts. We circumvent the need for reference sites using joint species distribution models to predict the benthic macroinve...
Synoptic Assessment of Coastal Total Alkalinity through Community Science
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 21, 2021]
Comprehensive sampling of the carbonate system in estuaries and coastal waters can be difficult and expensive because of the complex and heterogeneous nature of near-shore environments. We show that sample collection by community science programs is a viable strategy for expandin...
Statewide predictions of nutrient concentrations in rivers and streams (scripts)
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Aug 25, 2023]
Travis Linscome-Hatfield, a statistician at Neptune, has created the 4 R scripts that can be run to produce 4 htmls for a spatial stream network (SSN) analysis. The scripts are meant to be "plug and play" in that an SSN object can be loaded for a specific Indiana basin ...
Animas/San Juan River Monitoring Under the WIIN Program: Watershed Scale Patterns of Water Quality Related to Metals and Nutrients
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 22, 2023]
The Animas and San Juan Rivers were extensively monitored for metals in the water and sediments by EPA, state and tribal agencies during and through the year following the Gold King Mine release that occurred in August 2015.  Congress funded additional water quality monitori...
Methods S1. Examples of SAS or R code used to calculate weighted averages and assign stressor-specific sensitivity values for different environmental variables to different genera
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Jun 26, 2023]
Effective water quality management is based on associations between at least two pieces of information: a stressor and a response. However, assessments are hindered by the lack of pre-developed stressor-response associations. To remedy this, we developed genus stressor-specific s...
Calibration and testing of stressor-specific genus sensitivity values and a genera sensitivity ratio metric to assess the causes of impairment in streams.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 23, 2023]
Effective water quality management is based on associations between at least two pieces of information: a stressor and a response. However, assessments are hindered by the lack of pre-developed stressor-response associations. To remedy this, we developed stressor-specific genus s...