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Records 1 to 6 of 6 records about 'ecological risk assessment and PFAS' published after 02/07/2021

In vivo effects of four per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances identified as estrogenic via in vitro screening.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 23, 2023]
Per- and polyfluroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large group of chemicals of concern based on their potential persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. A tiered approach to screening and testing using new approach methodologies has been proposed as one of the few tractable appro...
The Web-based Interspecies Correlation Estimation (Web-ICE) Tool
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jan 25, 2023]
Protecting the diversity of species from the adverse effects of chemicals is a significant environmental challenge. Information on the effects of chemicals on species is either very limited or lacking entirely, making management and mitigation of environmental contaminants diffic...
Examining Effects of an Estrogenic PFAS, 1H,1H,8H,8H-Perfluorooctane-1,8-diol (FC8-diol), Using the Fathead Minnow Ecotoxchip
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 17, 2022]
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are of concern due to their persistence in the environment and potential health effects to both human and wildlife. However, for many PFAS there is very limited or no toxicity information related to the modes of action in aquatic species...
Verification of In Vivo Estrogenic Activity for Four Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Identified as Estrogen Receptor Agonists in High-Throughput Screening
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 18, 2021]
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large class of fluorinated organic chemicals of concern due to their broad occurrence and persistence in humans and the environment and potential health effects. In response to these concerns, over 140 PFAS were screened for 81 dif...
An Approach for Development of Provisional Protective Benchmarks for Ecological Effects of Data Poor PFAS
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 30, 2021]
Determination of the concentrations at which per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are toxic or safe for exposed organisms is an urgent need among EPA program offices and other state, tribal, and community stakeholders. Growing evidence suggests identification of concentrati...
Assessing the ecological risks of PFAS: Challenges and opportunities.
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 26, 2021]
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have achieved substantial prominence in terms of public visibility and regulatory concern. Research and regulatory activities associated with PFAS in many parts of the world have emphasized possible human health effects, but there is in...