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Records 1 to 2 of 2 records about 'Biological Reduction of Nitrate' published after 09/29/2019

Sulfur Assisted Biological Reduction of Nitrate - a Potentially Promising Technology
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 22, 2021]
Oral presentation to be delivered at the September EPA Region 7 Science Academy Nitrate RARE Lunch ‘n Learn.  This presentation describes the biological removal of nitrate under anoxic conditions using elemental sulfur as the electron donor.  Specifically, the pre...
Sulfur-Assisted Biological Reduction of Nitrate
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 02, 2021]
Oral presentation to be delivered at the 2021 EPA Small Systems Workshop.  This presentation describes the biological removal of nitrate under anoxic conditions using elemental sulfur as the electron donor.  Specifically, the presentation touches on the design of the treatment sy...