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Records 1 to 25 of 124 records about 'Microplastics'

Engineering bioremediating bacteria for open-release application
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 27, 2024]
From Superfund sites, to oil spills, to the ubiquity of microplastics, anthropogenic pollution is an ever-growing threat to human health and the environment. Synthetic biology can potentially address this problem with microbes engineered to degrade pollutants, and also further im...
Characterizing the Biofilm of Microplastics Incubated in River Water and Treated Wastewater Effluent
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 17, 2024]
Microplastics (MPs) in aquatic environments accumulate a biofilm known as the plastisphere, a microbial community unique from that of the surrounding water and from biofilms that form on natural substrates. The plastisphere is known to accumulate pathogens and bacteria with antib...
VELMA model green infrastructure applications for reducing 6PPD-quinone concentrations in Puget Sound urban streams
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 12, 2024]
This research builds upon successful StRAP 3 (Appendix B) and RARE project tests of ORD's VELMA ecohydrology model to identify urban GI solutions for reducing stormwater contaminant loads impacting ESA-listed salmonids in the Puget Sound National Estuary. For example, recent resu...
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Emerging Environmental Impacts of Tire Wear Particles and Their Chemical Cocktails
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jun 01, 2024]
Despite converting to green and electric sources of power, motorized transportation remains dependent upon conventional synthetic rubber tires for operation. Global dependence upon tires produced from natural rubber and petroleum-based compounds, including plastics, represents a ...
Effects of Nanoplastic Particles on Benthic Microbial Communities
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 29, 2024]
Marine sediments are rich habitats for microbial communities and act as a sink for many environmental contaminants including plastic particles, which may fragment into nanoplastic (NP) particles (<1 µm). Plastics can be substrates for microbial growth, but less is known ...
The distribution of sediment microplastics assemblages is driven by location and hydrodynamics, not sediment characteristics, in the Gulf of Maine, USA
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 01, 2024]
Microplastics (MP) are found in marine sediments across the globe, but we are just beginning to understand their spatial distribution and assemblages. In this study, we quantified MP in Gulf of Maine, USA sediments. MP were extracted from 20 sediment samples, followed by polymer ...
Micro- and Nanoplastics in Marine Sediment: Detecting Particles and Assessing Impacts on Benthic Communities
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 28, 2024]
Plastic particles are now found ubiquitously in the environment. As the abundance of plastic increases in marine systems, the magnitude of adverse biological and ecological effects of plastics of various size classes (macro-, micro-, nano-) need to be evaluated for potential risk...
Supporting State Science Needs through ORD’s Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Research Program
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 26, 2024]
This is a requested presentation for the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) that discusses how ORD is the research arm of the EPA and provides the scientific foundation for EPA to execute its mandate to protect human health and the environment. An overview of the 6 ...
US Environmental Protection Agency: Protect Human Health and the Environment
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 26, 2024]
This outreach classroom presentation covers the the role toxicity plays in the USEPA's regulations, discusses the history of toxicology and briefly  summarizes the definition and issues surrounding microplastics. 
Effects of Chemical Environment on UVC Aging of Microplastics
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 21, 2024]
As production of plastic production and consumption continues to grow so too does environmental plastic pollution. Plastic pollution occurs in several sizes including macroplastics, nanoplastics, and microplastics. The detection and characterization of microplastics is essential ...
Plastic Material Flow and Recycling Research
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jan 30, 2024]
The Office of Research and Development is conducting research on plastic material flows and recycling.  This effort represents a progress update, showing the research on the recycling system and the material flow analysis on one slide.  The recycling system consists of collection...
Bayesian Networks Take Center Stage at the SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting
(NEWSLETTER ARTICLE) [Published : Jan 25, 2024]
The Bayesian network (BN) session at the SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting was conducted for the sixth consecutive year. Since its inception in 2018 during the SETAC North America annual meeting in Sacramento, the BN session has grown into a multi-faceted platform for the p...
Pacific Ecological Systems Division, Molecular Ecology and Biotechnology Research
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 14, 2023]
This presentation is intended for the UC Berkeley, Environmental Health Science Division, Justin Remais lab group. It provides an overview of current projects and collaborations, which depend on PESD molecular research leadership, genomics data collection and bioinformatics analy...
Using eRNA/eDNA metabarcoding to detect community-level impacts of nanoplastic exposure to benthic estuarine ecosystems
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2023]
Plastic particles are ubiquitous in marine systems and fragment into smaller pieces, such as nanoplastics (NPs). The effects of NPs on marine organisms are of growing concern but are not well understood. Marine sediments act as a sink for many contaminants, like microplastics, an...
Micro- and Nanoplastics Plastic Pollution Research at the EPA
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 28, 2023]
Plastic particles are found ubiquitously in the environment, and as plastic abundance increases in marine systems, the adverse biological and ecological effects of plastics of various size classes (macro-, micro-, nano-) needs to be evaluated for potential risks. Marine sediments...
Micro- and nanoplastic research at the US EPA Office of Research and Development
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 20, 2023]
Microplastics are ubiquitous in the environment and present potential adverse effects on human and environmental health. EPA's Office of Research and Development is interested in developing sampling and analytical methods for microplastic detection, investigating their effects on...
A low-tech, mass-based community-scientist-oriented method for routine microplastics monitoring in coastal systems
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 16, 2023]
Sediments are a major sink for microplastics (MP) and while methods for extracting and identifying MP in sediment have improved in recent years, these methods continue to be time and cost intensive and scientifically rigorous. The cost of specialized identification instrumentatio...
Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Microplastics Outreach Toolkit
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 16, 2023]
The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) is a state-led environmental coalition working to create innovative solutions and best management practices (BMPs) for the environmental sector. ITRC produces guidance documents and trainings that broaden and deepen technica...
Design, analytical methods and data analysis of microplastic contamination
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 10, 2023]
This presentation is a brief overview of US Federal and State activities for microplastics. It includes a summary of plastics legislation in the US and highlights federal and state governmental response to legislative mandates. It focuses on the activities of the US Interagency N...
Tires and tire wear particles: an overlooked source of pollution
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 04, 2023]
This presentation will focus on how to understand and address contaminant sources from road wear particles.
Pacific Ecological Systems Division, Molecular Ecology & Biotechnology Research
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 02, 2023]
This presentation is intended for the Regional-ORD Community of Science Networking Program (ROCS-Net) 2023 participants at the meetings hosted by PESD. It provides an overview of current projects and collaborations, which depend on PESD molecular research leadership, genomics dat...
Analytical Methods for Microplastic Detection in Drinking Water
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 14, 2023]
Microplastic contamination raises concerns in drinking water quality due to difficulties in removing them during treatment and potential for contaminant leaching. EPA’s Office of Research and Development is interested in developing sampling and analytical methods for microp...
Microplastics from source to the environment: detection and characterization in urban watersheds
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Aug 17, 2023]
This Subproduct will be preparing quarterly Fact Sheets, Summaries, Presentations, International updates. These quarterly meetings will be held with representatives of OITA, ORCR, and regional offices to provide updates on new development in Plastics research in terms of manageme...
Patterns of microparticles in blank samples: A study to inform best practices for microplastic analysis
(JOURNAL) [Published : Aug 01, 2023]
Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) techniques are critical to analytical chemistry, and thus the analysis of microplastics. Procedural blanks are a key component of QA/QC for quantifying and characterizing background contamination. Although procedural blanks are becomi...
Fragmentation and release of pristine and functionalized carbon nanotubes from epoxy-nanocomposites during accelerated weathering
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jul 01, 2023]
There is an increasing volume of nano-enabled materials in the market. Once composites containing nano-additives are disposed of, weathering could deteriorate their structures, releasing nanoparticles and risking exposure of humans and aquatic organisms. Composite degradation due...