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  • Keyword = Chemical Safety.
  (Sorted by Fiscal Year)
Records 1 to 25 of 4050

Approach for Estimating Exposures and Incremental Health Effects from Lead During Renovation, Repair, and Painting Activities in Public and Commercial Buildings
(ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT) [Published : Apr 28, 2015]
Approach for Estimating Exposures and Incremental Health Effects from Lead During Renovation, Repair, and Painting Activities in Public and Commercial Buildings” (Technical Approach Document). Also available for public review and comment are two supplementary documents: the detai...
Value of Information Case Study: Human Health and Economic Trade-offs Associated with the Timeliness, Uncertainty, and Costs of the Draft EPA Transcriptomic Assessment Product (ETAP)
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Jun 25, 2024]
Time is an important, but underappreciated component in chemical safety decisions. An estimated 15% of the chemicals in domestic commerce have traditional repeated dose toxicity testing data and even fewer have human health assessments that can be used to inform regulatory action...
Quantitative response-response relationships linking aromatase inhibition to decreased fecunditiy are conserved across three fishes with asynchronous oocyte development
(JOURNAL) [Published : Sep 03, 2019]
Quantitative adverse outcome pathways (qAOPs) describe quantitative response-response relationships that can predict the probability or severity of an adverse outcome for a given magnitude of chemical interaction with a molecular initiating event. However, the taxonomic domain of...
Relationships between aquatic toxicity, chemical hydrophobicity, and mode of action: log Kow revisited
(JOURNAL) [Published : Nov 01, 2022]
Relationships between toxicity and chemical hydrophobicity have been known for nearly 100 years in mammals and fish, typically using the log of the octanol:water partition coefficient (Kow). The current study reassessed the influence of mode of action (MOA) on acute aquatic ...
Cross-taxa distinctions in developmental effects of trifluralin exposure between representative toxicological species for aquatic risk assessment
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jan 07, 2020]
Standard ecological risk assessment practices often rely on larval and juvenile fish toxicity data as representative of the amphibian aquatic stage. Although empirical evidence suggests fish early life stage tests frequently are sufficiently sensitive to protect larval amphibians...
The High-Throughput Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation Model (SHEDS-HT)
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 25, 2024]
As part of its ongoing efforts to support implementation of the Toxic Substance Control Act as revised by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, EPA researchers are developing innovative methods to collect and predict exposure estimates for thousands of...
Comparative Trifloxystrobin Toxicity of Early Life Stage Zebrafish, Fathead Minnow and African Clawed Frog
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 14, 2019]
Changes in size at and time to metamorphosis indicate developmental effects in amphibians that could result in population-level impacts. Current risk assessment practice uses early life stage fish data when data for larval amphibians are not available. While fish are sufficiently...
The Chemical and Product Database and the ChemExpo Knowledgebase
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 25, 2024]
As part of its ongoing efforts to support implementation of the Toxic Substance Control Act as revised by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, EPA researchers are developing innovative methods to collect and predict exposure estimates for thousands of...
Methods to Expand and Improve CvTdb: A Publicly Available Resource of Toxicokinetic Data
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 14, 2024]
Background and Purpose: Time series data for environmentally relevant chemicals in body fluids and tissues after an exposure is rarely made available despite their importance for risk assessment. Further, access to in vivo data is crucial for chemical safety evaluation estimate...
Quantitative Structure Use Relationships: Highlights from a technical summit meeting
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2023]
The Quantitative Structure Use Relationship (QSUR) Summit, held on November 2–4, 2022, focused on advancing the development, refinement, and use of QSURs to support chemical substance prioritization and risk assessment and mitigation. QSURs utilize chemical structures to pr...
TSCA Work Plan Chemical Risk Assessment: 1-Bromopropane
1-Bromopropane (CASRN 106-94-5): or 1-BP is a volatile organic chemical that is considered moderately persistent in the environment but does not have the potential to bioaccumulate in fish or other animals. The majority of the 1-BP production volume (~ 47%) is used as a vapor deg...
Peer Review of the Draft Risk Evaluation for Trichloroethylene (TCE)
Trichloroethylene (TCE) has a wide-range of uses in consumer and commercial products and in industry. An estimated 84% of TCE's annual production volume is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of the hydrofluorocarbon HFC-134a. Another 15% of TCE production volume is used a...
Peer Review of the Draft Risk Evaluation for NMP
N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), also called N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, or 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, is a chemical that is widely used during the manufacture and production of polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrichemicals and petroleum products. Information from the 2016 Chemical Data Reporting ...
EPA Draft Risk Evaluation of Asbestos
EPA evaluated the following categories of conditions of use of chrysotile asbestos in this draft risk evaluation: Manufacturing; processing; distribution in commerce; occupational and consumer uses; and disposal.
Draft Risk Evaluation of Perchloroethylene
Perchloroethylene has a wide range of uses, including production of fluorinated compounds, and as a solvent in dry cleaning and vapor degreasing. A variety of consumer and commercial products use perchloroethylene such as adhesives (arts and crafts, as well as light repairs), aer...
The EPA Adverse Outcome Pathway Database 2024 Updates to the User Interface (UI)
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 14, 2024]
Invited presentation to SKIG AOP interest group to the SAAOP. Brief introduction to AOP-DB v.2 updates. Full presentation invited to follow at June meeting.
Navigating Connectivity Mapping Workflows for Predicting Molecular Targets with Gecco
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 14, 2022]
Connectivity mapping is a powerful approach for relating chemicals, targets, and diseases using transcriptomic data (Lamb 2007). It assumes that transcriptomic profiles can fingerprint biological states (e.g., target activation, pathway perturbation, etc.) using the universal lan...
CeO2 nanoparticle dose and exposure modulate soybean development and plant-mediated responses in root-associated bacterial communities
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 03, 2024]
Agricultural soils are increasingly undergoing inadvertent and purposeful exposures to engineered CeO2 nanoparticles (NPs), which can impact crops and root-associated microbial communities. However, interactions between NP concentration and exposure duration on plant-mediate...
Biological Interpretation Model for Developmental Neurotoxicity
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 10, 2024]
New approach methodologies (NAMs) are being evaluated for their utility to inform developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) hazard instead of using animals. This work compares predictive models for DNT using DNT NAMs data. The dataset comprised 200 chemicals screened in 17 DNT assays wit...
Comparison of a high-density microelectrode array (MEA) assay for neurotoxicity screening using a 3D human iPSC-derived brain organoid model versus a 2D rat cortical cell model
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 10, 2024]
The relationship between environmental chemical exposure and a spectrum of neurological diseases is well-established. However, unraveling the underlying mechanism between human exposure and toxic outcomes presents significant challenges. Evaluation of neurotoxicity potential usin...
Examples of How Data from in vitro Developmental Neurotoxicity Assays Are Being Used to Make Decisions About Chemicals
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 02, 2021]
Over the past decade, a concerted effort has been made to develop in vitro and alternative assays that detect compounds with the potential to cause developmental neurotoxicity. As a result, a battery of assays has been developed that is believed to be useful for decision-making r...
Hepatic Steatosis Shifts Phase I Metabolism & Alters Susceptibility to Toxicants In Vitro
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Oct 07, 2019]
Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver disease) is a pathological condition that may alter xenobiotic metabolism, thereby increasing susceptibility to environmental toxicants. Here we used a metabolically competent human liver-derived cell line – HepaRG – to model steatosis f...
Advancing the Use and Acceptance of the Human Thyroid Microtissue Assay
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 14, 2024]
This is a presentation abstract for proposed session, ID 141, Advances in New Approach Methods for Thyroid Toxicity Testing, for the SOT 2024 Annual Meeting.  Abstract: There is significant regulatory need to evaluate chemicals that may disrupt the thyroid endocrine system. ...
Quantitative variability in repeat dose toxicity studies: Implications for scientific confidence in new approach methodologies
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 18, 2020]
New approach methodologies (NAMs) for hazard are often evaluated via comparison to animal studies; however, variability in animal study data limits NAM accuracy. The US EPA Toxicity Reference Database (ToxRefDB) enables consideration of variability in effect levels, including the...
Chemical Safety Research Online Tools & Resources
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Feb 14, 2024]