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  • Keyword = High throughput.
  (Sorted by Fiscal Year)
Records 1 to 25 of 2157

Comparing Transcriptomic Points of Departure to Apical Effect Concentrations For Larval Fathead Minnow Exposed to Chemicals with Four Different Modes Of Action
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 15, 2024]
It is postulated that below a transcriptomic-based point of departure, adverse effects are unlikely to occur, thereby providing a chemical concentration to use in screening level hazard assessment. The present study extends previous work describing a high-throughput fathead minno...
A workflow for the detection of Vibrio spp. in a tropical estuarine environment via enrichment dependent high throughput sequencing and qPCR methods
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jun 17, 2024]
Identification of potential pathogens that present risks to human health in recreational waters is necessary to advance in-depth water quality assessments. Despite the application of PCR techniques for environmental pathogen detection, only limited information is usually availabl...
HTTr Pipeline Code v0.7.5
(DATA/SOFTWARE) [Published : Apr 30, 2024]
This software package will build on an existing prototype package to provide standardized and flexible data science workflows for pipelining and databasing HTTr results using open source software tools, including Docker containers to ensure reproducibility and increase the flexib...
Decoding the Molecular Universe - Workshop Report
(PUBLISHED REPORT) [Published : Nov 19, 2023]
In the mid-1980s, several events occurred that led to the conceptualization and eventual initiation of the world’s largest collaborative biological project – the Human Genome Project (HGP). In 1985, Robert Sinsheimer – then Chancellor of the University of Califo...
Full-scale Testing of a Simulated Chemical Warfare Agent Contamination Response
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Dec 07, 2023]
The EPA is enhancing the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from a chemical warfare agent (CWA) incident through research to develop environmental countermeasures and response exercises/training. Recently, researchers and responders were brought together to conduct ...
The High-Throughput Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation Model (SHEDS-HT)
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 25, 2024]
As part of its ongoing efforts to support implementation of the Toxic Substance Control Act as revised by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, EPA researchers are developing innovative methods to collect and predict exposure estimates for thousands of...
Overview: httk R package for High Throughput Toxicokinetics
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 25, 2024]
OPFR Prioritization Using the Developmental Neurotoxicity In Vitro Test Battery: An Update to OECD IATA Case Study
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 14, 2024]
Background and Purpose Organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) are abundant and persistent in the environment due to their extensive use in industrial processes and products. In vivo and in vitro studies suggest that OPFRs may cause adverse health effects. Additionally, their s...
Quantitative Structure Use Relationships: Highlights from a technical summit meeting
(JOURNAL) [Published : Dec 01, 2023]
The Quantitative Structure Use Relationship (QSUR) Summit, held on November 2–4, 2022, focused on advancing the development, refinement, and use of QSURs to support chemical substance prioritization and risk assessment and mitigation. QSURs utilize chemical structures to pr...
High-Throughput Screening to Advance In Vitro Toxicology: Accomplishments, Challenges, and Future Directions
(JOURNAL) [Published : Jan 23, 2024]
Traditionally, chemical toxicity is determined by in vivo animal studies, which are low throughput, expensive, and sometimes fail to predict compound toxicity in humans. Due to the increasing number of chemicals in use and the high rate of drug candidate failure due to toxicity, ...
Screening Pesticides for Estrogenic and (anti)Androgenic Activity in Support of Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) Revival
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 15, 2024]
EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) was established in 1998 to identify chemicals that disrupt human endocrine system signaling. EDSP has the potential to support the regulation of pesticides under FIFRA, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Ac...
Navigating Connectivity Mapping Workflows for Predicting Molecular Targets with Gecco
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Jul 14, 2022]
Connectivity mapping is a powerful approach for relating chemicals, targets, and diseases using transcriptomic data (Lamb 2007). It assumes that transcriptomic profiles can fingerprint biological states (e.g., target activation, pathway perturbation, etc.) using the universal lan...
Occurrence and Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Urban Karst Groundwater Systems Based on Targeted Resistome Analysis
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 20, 2023]
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global crisis threatening human, animal, and environmental health. The natural environment, specifically water resources, has been recognized as a reservoir and dissemination pathway for AMR; however, urban karst aquifer systems have been overl...
Probabilistic Reference and 10% Effect Concentrations for Characterizing Inhalation Non-cancer and Developmental/Reproductive Effects for 2,160 Substances
(JOURNAL) [Published : May 14, 2024]
Chemicals assessment and management frameworks rely on regulatory toxicity values, which are based on points of departure (POD) identified following rigorous dose–response assessments. Yet, regulatory PODs and toxicity values for inhalation exposure (i.e., reference concent...
Basic Concepts in Imaging-Based High-Throughput Screening and High-Throughput Profiling Assay Development
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Nov 18, 2020]
This is an abstract for a continuing education course for the Society of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics (SBI2) 2020 virtual meeting. This session introduces basic concepts of imaging-based high-throughput screening (HTS) and high-throughput profiling assay development. Imag...
Building confidence in mechanistic evidence derived from high throughput assay data to inform hazard evaluation
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 24, 2023]
New approach methods (NAMs) can rapidly provide mechanistic data in support of human health risk assessment, but the applicability of these data for developmental and reproductive hazards has yet to be fully interrogated. The Key Characteristics (KCs) approach provides a systemat...
Predicting Molecular Initiating Events From Gene Expression Profiles
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Mar 26, 2021]
The advent of high-throughput transcriptomic screening technologies has resulted in a wealth of publicly available gene expression data associated with chemical treatment. From a regulatory perspective, data sets covering a large chemical space offer utility for the prediction of...
Burn pit-related smoke causes developmental and behavioral toxicity in zebrafish: Influence of material type and emissions chemistry
(JOURNAL) [Published : Apr 30, 2024]
Combustion of mixed materials during open air burning of refuse or structural fires in the wildland urban interface produces emissions that worsen air quality, contaminate rivers and streams, and cause poor health outcomes including developmental effects. The zebrafish, a freshwa...
A comparison of machine learning approaches for predicting hepatotoxicity potential using chemical structure and targeted transcriptomic data
(JOURNAL) [Published : Feb 16, 2024]
Animal toxicity testing is time and resource intensive, making it difficult to keep pace with the number of substances requiring assessment. Machine learning (ML) models that use chemical structure information and high-throughput experimental data can be helpful in predicting pot...
Towards Omics Reporting Standards in Regulatory Toxicology: Introducing the OECD Transcriptomics and Metabolomics Reporting Framework
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 25, 2021]
Omics methodologies are increasingly used to inform human health risk assessment. The volume of transcriptomic data in particular has grown markedly with the commercialization of targeted sequencing approaches that enable high-throughput gene expression profiling. These technolog...
A Data-Driven Selection of the Cell Lines with Maximal Biological Diversity for High Throughput Transcriptomics-Based Toxicity Testing
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Sep 23, 2020]
This abstract is for a presentation at the North Carolina Society of Toxicology (NCSOT) Annual Meeting. High-throughput transcriptomics (HTT) can be an efficient tool to screen large sets of chemicals in vitro, determine transcriptional point-of-departures, and investigate toxico...
In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation of Thyroid-Related Endpoints with Higher Throughput Pregnancy PBPK Modeling
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : May 01, 2024]
To cause developmental toxicity, chemical exposures must cause bioactive concentrations in key tissues during susceptible lifestages, including during early fetal development. Next generation chemical risk assessment (NGRA) aims to replace and enhance traditional toxicity testing...
Development of an Anxiety Test in Zebrafish: The Light/ Dark Preference Test
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 16, 2024]
Anxiety may be related to chemical exposure during brain development, so there’s a need to assess anxiety after exposure to environmental chemicals. However, there is not a standard high throughput assay to assess mental health effects of exposure. There is a promising test...
Development and Optimization of a High-Throughput Assay for Quantifying Phagocytosis in a Neutrophil-Like Cell Line
(PRESENTATION) [Presented : Apr 16, 2024]
Phagocytosis is essential for proper innate immune defense across many organisms. When exposed to immunosuppressive environmental chemicals, phagocytosis may be inhibited, potentially increasing susceptibility to pathogens. To quantify the immunosuppressive potential of a chemica...