Science Inventory



Atmospheric Modeling Division, AND EPA Systems Development Center. MODELS-3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR A SUN WORKSTATION WITH A UNIX-BASED OPERATING SYSTEM (MODELS-3 VERSION 4.1). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-01/037 (NTIS PB2002-107934), 2001.


The objectives of this task are to continuously develop and improve the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system, which is the science implementation within the Models-3 system framework for air quality simulation. CMAQ is a multiscale and multi-pollutant chemistry-transport model (CTM) that includes the necessary critical science process modules for atmospheric transport, deposition, cloud mixing, emissions, gas- and aqueous-phase chemical transformation processes, and aerosol dynamics and chemistry. It relies on Models-3 I/O API to support machine independent data access and maintains simple interfaces among science processor modules to provide a high-level of modularity.


Models-3 is a flexible system designed to simplify the development and use of air quality models and other environmental decision support tools. It is designed for applications ranging from regulatory and policy analysis to understanding the complex interactions of atmospheric chemistry and physics. The May 2001 release of Models-3 contains a Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system for urban to regional scale air quality simulation of tropospheric ozone, acid deposition, visibility, and fine particles. The major improvements in CMAQ since the June 2000 release include the Modified Euler Backward Iterative (MEBI) chemical solver for use with CB4 gas-phase mechanisms, improved horizontal diffusion, and an improved aerosol module. Principal changes to other parts of the Models-3 system improvements include the replacement of the former emission modeling system with provision to use the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emission (SMOKE) modeling system (available at no cost from MCNC, North Carolina Supercomputing Center), and a SMOKE Tool to create input files for SMOKE. This Installation Manual includes an overview of the system architecture, installation requirements, procedures for installation of the Models-3 server and clients, establishing users, Models-3 start-up and shut-down, loading of data sets, description of system administration functions, and illustrative examples. Release notes describing system changes (including SMOKE Tool) are in Appendices G and H.

This updated installation and operation manual is a part of the documentation set for the Models-3 Third Generation Air Quality Modeling System. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development partially funded and collaborated in the procedures described here under contracts 68-W1-0055 and 68-W-99-002 to Science Applications International Corporation. This Manual has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products is not intended to constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/04/2001
Record Last Revised:12/22/2005
Record ID: 63297