Science Inventory



The objective of this task is to increase the acceptance and use of site characterization and monitoring technologies by providing verified performance data and reports on the performance of environmental monitoring and site characterization technologies.


The Environmental Technology Verification Program is a service of the Environmental Protection Agency designed to accelerate the development and commercialization of improved environmental technology through third party verification and reporting of performance. The goal of ETV is to verify the performance characteristics of commercial-ready environmental technologies through the evaluation of objective and quality-assured data so that potential purchasers and permitters are provided with an independent and credible assessment of the technology that they are buying or permitting. ETV is intended to expand the environmental technology choices of public and private decision makers, both in the U.S. and abroad. The Advanced Monitoring Technology Center with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Sandia and Oak Ridge National Laboratories which serve as verification organizations. Verification organizations oversee and report verification activities based on testing and quality assurance protocols developed with input from major stakeholder/customer groups associated with the technology area.

Record Details:

Record Type:PROJECT
Start Date:10/01/1995
Projected Completion Date:09/01/2008
Record ID: 56171