Science Inventory

Health Effects Assessment for Pyrene


U.S. EPA. Health Effects Assessment for Pyrene. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/540/1-86/030 (NTIS PB86134418), 1984.


The document represents a brief, quantitatively oriented scientific summary of health effects data for pyrene. It was developed by the Environmental Criteria and Assessment Office to assist the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response in establishing chemical-specific health-related goals of remedial actions for the Superfund Program. If applicable, chemical-specific subchronic and chronic toxicity interim acceptable intakes are determined for systemic toxicants, or q(sub 1)* values are determined for carcinogens for both oral and inhalation routes. Sufficient data are not available at this time on pyrene to determine either acceptable intakes or q(sub 1)s.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/06/1984
Record Last Revised:04/10/2017
Record ID: 51354