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Jackson, B. AND A. Lowry. PUBLICATIONS; GULF BREEZE LABORATORY. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/3-79/036 (NTIS PB297573).
The bibliography, inclusive from 1967 through 1978, lists all publications authored by researchers employed by the Environmental Research Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, and its field station on St. Johns Island, SC, or by researchers conducting studies under funding or direction of the laboratory. Publications are grouped in three categories: RESEARCH REPORTS published in the EPA Research Reporting Series; JOURNAL ARTICLES from the scientific literature; and PRESENTATIONS published in proceedings of conferences and symposia. Publications are arranged alphabetically by year under the senior author's name. The bibliography also includes an author index for reprints and an index of key words (as listed in the Thesarus of Engineering and Scientific Terms, 1967, Office of Naval Research and Engineers Joint Council, Editors, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, DC). Entries are numbered consecutively throughout the three sections, and those numbers are used in the indices.