Science Inventory

Health Effects Assessment for Ethylbenzene


U.S. EPA. Health Effects Assessment for Ethylbenzene. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/540/1-86/008 (NTIS PB86134194), 1984.


The document represents a brief, quantitatively oriented scientific summary of health effects data. It was developed by the Environmental Criteria and Assessment Office to assist the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response in establishing chemical-specific health-related goals of remedial actions. If applicable, chemical-specific subchronic and chronic toxicity interim acceptable intakes are determined for systemic toxicants, or q(sub 1)* values are determined for carcinogens for both oral and inhalation routes. A subchronic an chronic interim acceptable intake was determined for ethylbenzene based on oral exposure.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:09/30/1984
Record Last Revised:09/18/2018
Record ID: 41272