Science Inventory

2024 Technical Documentation for the Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI)


2024 Technical Documentation for the Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.


The Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI), described in this Technical Documentation, provides a framework for analyzing sector-specific impacts by degree of warming as an alternative or complement to traditional scenario-based approaches, to help better understand and communicate how future climate change will impact different communities across the United States.


The “Technical Documentation for the Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts” document provides technical documentation of a framework used to analyze future climate change-related impacts to the United States, projected to occur across multiple impact sector categories, geographic regions, and populations, under any custom temperature scenario. This approach serves as an alternative or complement to traditional scenario-based approaches in order to improve communication of results, comparability between studies, and flexibility to facilitate scenario analysis. The FrEDI Technical Documentation was previously peer-reviewed in 2021. Building on the 2021 Report, this latest iteration includes detailed descriptions of additional features that have been implemented into the FrEDI R package since the initial review, including: new sectoral impact studies, increased spatial level (e.g., state-level) of results, as well as new features that extend the FrEDI calculations past the year 2100 and incorporate calculations of differential climate change risks across U.S. demographics.


2024 Technical Documentation for the Framework for Evaluating Damages and Impacts (FrEDI)  (PDF, 78 pp,  3046  KB,  about PDF)

Peer Review Plan  (PDF, NA pp,  40  KB,  about PDF)

FrEDI Response to Public Review Comments  (PDF, 31 pp,  437  KB,  about PDF)

FrEDI Response to Peer Review Comments  (PDF, 30 pp,  516  KB,  about PDF)

FrEDI Peer Review Report  (PDF, 16 pp,  683  KB,  about PDF)

2024 Technical Documentation for FrEDI_APPENDICES  (PDF, 150 pp,  6223  KB,  about PDF)

Record Details:

Product Published Date:08/29/2024
Record Last Revised:12/11/2024
OMB Category:Influential
Record ID: 360384