Office of Research and Development Publications

Wash Penalty Factors: Insight into the effects of water wash down of building materials for RN decontamination - Presentation


Kaminski, M., K. Hepler, C. Oster, W. Jolin, S. Lopykinski, N. Kivenas, AND M. Magnuson. Wash Penalty Factors: Insight into the effects of water wash down of building materials for RN decontamination - Presentation. WM 2020 Symposium, Pheonix, AZ, March 08 - 12, 2020.


The release of radiological material to the urban environment can have devastating socio-economic impact. In an urban release scenario, areas around the dispersal epicenter and any areas contaminated via atmospheric deposition may require extensive decontamination. Most recently, our group reported the decontamination efficacy of pressurized water washing of common porous building materials, and compared the penetration depth of the contaminations before and after exposure to pressurized tap water.


This Presentation we will discuss ,the decontamination efficacy and the depth profile for residual contamination as it was measured to determine the conditions for which applying a wash solution has benefit compared to physically removing the surface material. To aid in these analyses, we introduced a “wash penalty factor” to quantify the degree to which contamination migrated into the bulk material by the action of the wash method.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:03/12/2020
Record Last Revised:04/08/2020
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 348600