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TECHNICAL FACT SHEET: A Systematic Evaluation of Dissolved Metals Loss during Water Sample Filtration
Lytle, D. AND M. Latham. TECHNICAL FACT SHEET: A Systematic Evaluation of Dissolved Metals Loss during Water Sample Filtration. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, EPA/600/F-11/029b, 2014.
Regional Applied Research Effort
This research study examined how water quality collection and filtration approaches, including commonly used capsule and disc syringe filters, may cause losses in the amounts of soluble lead and copper found in a sample. A variety of commercially available filter materials with a pore size of 0.45 micrometers (μm) were tested, including polyvinylidene fluoride, polytetrafluoroethylene, nylon, polypropylene, and mixed cellulose acetate. The effects of important water quality parameters including pH, alkalinity and phosphate on sorption losses were examined. The impact of filtration approach, including flow rate and sequential sampling, was also explored.