BASINs and WEPP Climate Assessment Tools (CAT): Case Study Guide To Potential Applications (Final Report)
U.S. EPA. BASINs and WEPP Climate Assessment Tools (CAT): Case Study Guide To Potential Applications (Final Report). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-11/123F, 2012.
This report presents a series of short, illustrative case studies using the BASINS and WEPP climate assessment tools.
EPA announced the release of the final report, BASINs and WEPP Climate Assessment Tools (CAT): Case Study Guide to Potential Applications. This report supports application of two recently developed water modeling tools, the Better Assessment Science Integrating point & Non-point Sources (BASINS) and the Water Erosion Prediction Project Climate Assessment Tool (WEPPCAT). The report presents a series of short case studies designed to illustrate the capabilities of these tools for conducting scenario based assessments of the potential effects of climate change on streamflow and water quality.
BASINS and WEPP Climate Assessment Tools (CAT): Case Study Guide to Potential Applications (PDF, 109 pp, 2879 KB, about PDF)EPA BASINS Web site (Note: The BASINS CAT version 2 software described in this report will not be available at this site until late 2012)