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Metabolically Derived Human Ventilation Rates: A Revised Approach Based Upon Oxygen Consumption Rates (Final Report, 2009)
U.S. EPA. Metabolically Derived Human Ventilation Rates: A Revised Approach Based Upon Oxygen Consumption Rates (Final Report, 2009). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-06/129F, 2009.
In this report, EPA presents a revised approach in which ventilation rate is calculated directly from an individual's oxygen consumption rate.
EPA announced the availability of the final report, Metabolically Derived Human Ventilation Rates: A Revised Approach Based Upon Oxygen Consumption Rates. This report provides a revised approach for calculating an individual's ventilation rate directly from their oxygen consumption rate. This approach will be used to update the ventilation rate information in the Exposure Factors Handbook, which serve as a resources for exposure assessors for calculating inhalation and other exposures.
EPA's Exposure Factors ProgramMetabolically Derived Human Ventilation Rates: A Revised Approach Based Upon Oxygen Consumption Rates (PDF, 153 pp, 2950 KB, about PDF)