Science Inventory

National Priorities: Occurrence and Implications of De Facto Water Reuse on Drinking Water Supplies, Informational Webinar for Potential Applicants


Cunniff, S. National Priorities: Occurrence and Implications of De Facto Water Reuse on Drinking Water Supplies, Informational Webinar for Potential Applicants. Informational Webinar, Virtual, DC, July 11, 2024.


The purpose of this presentation is to review application information requirements, provide guidelines for eligibility, submission and technical aspects of application process, and answer questions about the application process and information written in the funding opportunity notice.


<div class="-ZQ-739 " aria-label="11. Please enter your work product description/abstract (400 characters max). **This section MUST be different from the impact/purpose statement section below.** Please do not use terms such as "sub-product" or other internal EPA terms. If your Science Inventory listing goes public, these two sections are copied publicly.  Multi Line Text Required to answer "> This presentation is intended for the informational webinar for potential applicants for the funding opportunity "National Priorities: Occurrence and Implications of De Facto Water Reuse on Drinking Water Supplies".

Record Details:

Product Published Date:07/11/2024
Record Last Revised:07/09/2024
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 362090