Science Inventory

Policy Assessment for the Reconsideration of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, External Review Draft


Policy Assessment for the Reconsideration of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, External Review Draft.


The Policy Assessment is intended to help "bridge the gap" between the scientific information and assessment and the judgments required of the EPA administrator in determining whether, and if so how, it is appropriate to revise the primary Ozone NAAQS. The Policy Assessment will consider the available scientific evidence presented in the integrated Science Assessment (ISA) and the Risk and Exposure Assessment (REA) (which is incorporated into eh Policy Assessment), together with related limitations and uncertainties, and will focus on the basis elements of an air quality standard: indicator, averaging time, form, and level. These elements, which serve to define each NAAQS, will be considered collectively in evaluating the public health and welfare protection afforded in the standard(s). Following the review of the first draft of this document (Updates to the Policy Assessment for the Reconsideration of the Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone, External Review Draft) as needed, a final draft document will be produced after considering CASAC and public comments. All documents will be made publicly available.


Ozone is one of the six major air pollutants for which EPA has issued air quality criteria and established national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) based on those criteria. The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires EPA to periodically review and revise, as appropriate, existing air quality criteria and NAAQS. The CAA also requires an independent scientific committee to review the criteria and to advise the Administrator regarding any recommended revisions to the existing criteria and standards, as may be appropriate. The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) of EPA's Science Advisory Board serves as this independent scientific committee.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/09/2023
Record Last Revised:06/20/2024
OMB Category:Highly Influential
Record ID: 353468