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Cornstubble, D. COATING ALTERNATIVES GUIDE (CAGE) USER'S GUIDE. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-01/030 (NTIS PB2001-107830), 2001.
The guide provides instructions for using the Coating Alternatives GuidE (CAGE) software program, version 1.0. It assumes that the user is familiar with the fundamentals of operating an IBM-compatible personal computer (PC) under the Microsoft disk operating system (MS-DOS). CAGE provides alternative coating chemistry recommendations for paint and coating operations. Its initial focus is on coatings for metal substrates. Additional modules will be developed for plastic, wood, and other substrates. The program leads the user through a question-and-answer session. Based on the user's response to each question, a list of relatively ranked, low-emitting coating technologies is generated. The user may then review brief descriptions of the alternatives on the computer screen. If any of the alternatives are of interest, the user may request a detailed report. The report includes sections on general information, substrate and surface preparation, application techniques, curing methods, performance properties, safety/environmental concerns, industrial case studies for the selected alternative, and information reference for the user's geographical location.