Science Inventory

Energy and emissions impacts of electric vehicles:Insights from GCAM-USA


Loughlin, D., S. Babaee, Y. Ou, C. Nolte, C. Lenox, A. Sobel, C. Ramig, AND S. Smith. Energy and emissions impacts of electric vehicles:Insights from GCAM-USA. 7th International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment, Hangzhou, Republic Of China, CHINA, May 20 - 23, 2019.


The Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM) is a human-earth system model, a class of models that simulate the evolution of human systems (e.g., energy, agriculture, land use), earth systems (e.g., air, water, climate), and the interactions among these systems. Recent GCAM developments include the addition of air pollutant emissions and the subdividing of the U.S. energy system into the 50 states. Furthermore, the U.S. EPA has worked to harmonize emission factors with EPA regulatory analyses and to add representations national and state air and energy policies. The resulting model can be used to investigate the energy and air pollutant implications of wide ranging scenarios. For example, alternative assumptions can be evaluated regarding population growth and migration, economic growth and transformation, labor productivity, energy resource availability, technology development, land use change, and current and prospective policies. In this presentation, Dr. Loughlin provides an illustrative example in which GCAM-USA is applied to examine the system-wide implications of increasing battery electric vehicles. The presentation includes both national and sub-U.S. regional results, examining some of the factors that result in regional differences. This illustrative application is intended to provide the audience with insights regarding how GCAM and its variant GCAM-China could be used to support long-term air quality planning.


This produce is a presentation given at the 7th International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment, held in Hangzhou, China, May 20-23, 2019. The audience for this talk primarily includes air quality managers, researchers, and students interested in addressing China and other Asian country air quality problems.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:05/23/2019
Record Last Revised:09/05/2019
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 346350