Science Inventory

Small Water System Alternatives: Media and Membrane Filtration Alternatives for Small Communities and Households


Patterson, C. Small Water System Alternatives: Media and Membrane Filtration Alternatives for Small Communities and Households. Presented at 2015 SSWR Monthly Webinar Series, Cincinnati, OH, March 31, 2015.


The webinar presentation will include research studies on drinking water treatment technologies for small communities of less than 500 people in support of LT2ESWTR and GWR. This effort has included collaborative field studies on a wide variety of surface and groundwater sources with researchers in water utilities, private industry, academia, EPA Regions, States and local health departments.


This webinar presentation will highlight research case studies on innovative drinking water treatment alternatives for small community water systems. Emphasis will be placed on media and membrane filtration technologies capable of meeting the requirements of the Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) and the Groundwater Rule (GWR). The major source of information provided will be from small drinking water research studies over the past 12 years at the EPA Test and Evaluation Facility in Cincinnati, Ohio and at field locations in several EPA Regions and States.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:03/31/2015
Record Last Revised:04/23/2015
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 307601