Science Inventory

Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution Systems -State of Technology Review Report


Sterling, R., L. Wang, R. Morrison, AND A. SELVAKUMAR. Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution Systems -State of Technology Review Report . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-09/048, 2009.


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This White Paper is intended to provide an overview of the current state-of-the-practice and current state-of-the-art for rehabilitation of pipes and structures within the wastewater collection and water distribution systems. Rehabilitation is defined as repair, renewal, and replacement of components to return the system to near-original condition and performance. The document was produced for use as a basis for discussions in an International Technology Forum, which was held on September 9 to 10, 2008 as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution Systems (Contract No. EP-C-05-057, Task Order No. 58 [TO 58]). Participants in the Forum were invited to comment on the descriptions of the state of the water infrastructure technology industry, provide different viewpoints as appropriate, propose additional issues to be considered, and present information on specific technological advances underway in North America and elsewhere in the world. The White Paper and Forum contributions together provide a clear documentation and analysis of the current status of technology and practice for rehabilitation of water and wastewater pipe systems in North America and clear guidance on how the demonstration activities planned within the project can best contribute to advancing the technology and accelerating the adoption of favorable approaches. The key Forum recommendations are included in this report in Section 8. While there is also an urgent need to understand system-wide issues in the operation of water and wastewater systems (e.g., the interaction of wet weather flow with wastewater treatment plant operation), this project and White Paper are focused on the rehabilitation of the pipe systems themselves.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:06/09/2009
Record Last Revised:07/14/2011
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 209529