Science Inventory

A View From Within


MURRAY, D. J. A View From Within. Presented at MIAMI UNIVERSITY, OXFORD, OH, April 22, 2008.


to present information


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) was established in 1970. The U.S. EPA is an agency of statutes and is driven by 29 different environmental laws passed by Congress over the past four decades. As such, the Agency is organized along lines of responsibilities established in these statutes. In addition to its Program Offices, located in Washington, DC, the Agency consists of ten Regional Offices. The Office of Research and Development (ORD) is the largest Program Office and has thirteen locations across the nation. The Agency has developed a strategic plan that establishes its mission and goals. One of the Agency’s five major goals supports the attainment of clean and safe water. Each year the Agency develops its budget proposal to support its programs that are aimed at meeting its strategic goals. In FY07, as part of its budget development process, ORD proposed a research initiative to support the Agency’s Sustainable Infrastructure Initiative. After numerous reviews and interrogatories, this research initiative was included in the President’s FY07 Budget. Despite the unprecedented absence of a Congressional appropriation in FY07, this new research initiative was funded. In FY07 and, now, in FY08, competing research priorities and the realities of limited budgets have resulted in resource levels for this research initiative being uncertain.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:04/22/2008
Record Last Revised:04/23/2008
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 190316