Science Inventory

Terra Vac In Situ Vacuum Extraction System: Applications Analysis Report


Michaels, P. A. Terra Vac In Situ Vacuum Extraction System: Applications Analysis Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/540/A5-89/003 (NTIS 90-119744), 1989.


to inform the public


This document is an evaluation of the Terra Vac in situ vacuum extraction system and its applicability as a treatment method for waste site cleanup. This report analyzes the results from the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program’s 56-day demonstration at the Valley Manufactured Product Company’s site in Groveland, Massachusetts and data from other applications. Conclusions were reached concerning the technology’s suitability for use in remediations involving both similar and different materials at other sites. Operational data and sampling and analysis information were monitored carefully to establish a database against which vendor’s claims for the technology could be evaluated. The conclusions from the results of the Groveland demonstration test and from other available data are: (1) the process can be used to remediate a site contaminated with VOCs; (21 the process can remove VOCs from soils with permeabilities as low as 10-a cm/s; (31 the process operates well in all weather conditions; and (41 the process implementation costs can be as low as $lO/ton, depending on various site-specific conditions.

Record Details:

Product Published Date:07/01/1989
Record Last Revised:06/25/2008
OMB Category:Other
Record ID: 129355